Summer 2024 Contest – Guy On Climate (2024)

The main purpose of this ongoing blog will be to track planetary extreme, or record temperatures related to climate change. Any reports I see of ETs will be listed below the main topic of the day. I’ll refer to extreme or record temperatures as ETs (notextraterrestrials).😉

Main Topic:The Climate Lottery: Summer 2024 Contest

Dear Diary. It’s time for my followers to play my little contest if they like. Meteorological summer has started out hotter than average for most here in the United States, so will this contest be a no brainer? We will see if a cool monkey wrench or spanner gets thrown into the climatological works here?

The Climate Lottery is a forecast contest free to play by giving your picks in an e-mail or in this post’s comment section. No prizes will be given out for the contest, which is for educational purposes only, but I will give kudos to a winner. The main purpose for the contest is to get climate change conscious people interested in National Center for Environmental Information climate products. The special account that I have set up for the contest This time I will make a personal pick, following along with any players.

I’m getting all of my information for every Climate Lottery contest here, which I hope you will refer to often:

National Maps | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) (

The National Center for Environmental Information ranking numbers for average temperatures of the lower 48 states for Summer 2024 will be posted on or shortly after July 7th,2024, which will be the official “Climate Lottery” numbers of the contest. Any subsequent changes by NCEI after their initial posted rankings will not be valid for the contest…but those ranking numbers will change with time.

The winning Climate Lottery numbers for Spring 20224 (MAR, APR, MAY)were 113/118/118 with a Power Ball number of125 for the season,meaningthatthe Spring 2024wasthe 6th warmestspringinrecordedhistoryforthelower 48 states in the United States.

Hello again to all weather and climate geeks out there. Spring 2024 turned out to be the 6th warmest and the 125th coolest spring on record for most of the United States. If you wish to play “The Climate Lottery” pick one number between 1 and 130 (with 1 representing the coldest possible ranking and 130 being the highest possible ranking)for June, July, and August. Also, pick a “Power Ball” or overall ranking number for the spring season as a whole between 1 and 130. The Power Ball ranking will serve as a tiebreaker for any close picks between contestants. Your picks are NCEI rankings for average temperatures across the lower 48 states. Because 2024 will be the 130th year that the National Center for Environmental Information has been ranking years since 1895, all months for 2024 will have a warmest ranking of 130.

Please give your picks atguywalton94@Gmail.comor in the comments section at the end of this post before July 7th, 2024. If you wait until just before July 7th to make your picks, you can make an educated guess as to what the ranking for June will be and also have a heads-up guess for July.

The Power Ball (or overall National Center for Environment Information) number for Spring 2024 for the lower 48 states was 125, which was the 6th warmest ranking possible for the lower 48 states. I’ve defined individual lottery numbers as a rankings for each month for the lower 48 states, Power Ball numbers as those for each season, and Mega Ball numbers as those for each year.

Chances for an entire season of below average temperatures are becoming much less likely across the lower 48 states due to carbon pollution. The whole point of these posts is to demonstrate how skewed temperatures have become towards warmth due to climate change and to get people to look at NCEI data. Of course, as far as the globe goes, the larger an area that is compared to average, the more likely that area is to be abovelong-term averages. What has happened this decade is yet more proof of the Climate Lottery game being loaded for warmth in the United States. Balls coming out of the Climate Lottery hopper are likely to have high numbers.

Here’s a breakdown of the National Climatic Center’s ranking numbers by state for Spring 2024, which was ranked at 6th warmest or125th coldest (or a Powerball ranking of 125):

Summer 2024 Contest – Guy On Climate (1)

Warm conditions relative to average were widespread across United States except in the West.

The following is a breakdown of each month for Spring 2024. Each chart shows “Climate Lottery” numbers for each state (or rankings) from a scale of 1 to 130.

InMarchthe overall ranking for the lower 48 states was 113 (out of 130 through the year 2024):

Summer 2024 Contest – Guy On Climate (2)

Spring started out very warm across the East relative to average. No one state saw below average temperatures.

In April the overall ranking for the lower 48 states was 118 (out of 130):

Summer 2024 Contest – Guy On Climate (3)

During April the most anomalously warm area was in the east-central states. The far West continued to have near average temperatures.

In May the overall ranking for the lower 48 states was 118 (out of 130):

Summer 2024 Contest – Guy On Climate (4)

During May 2024 Florida had its hottest May on record. Idaho and Wyoming were the only states to have below average temperatures for a one-month period during the spring.

The following are the rankings, so far, for individual months or “Climate Lottery number picks” from 2015-2023:

Summer 2024 Contest – Guy On Climate (5)

The average ranking for 2024 is 65 since the coldest ranking would be 1 and the hottest 130. I have color coded all well below average temperature rankings for this post at or below 55 blue and all those above temperature rankings at or above 75 red, with rankings + or – 10 from the mean value of 65 black for near average temperature rankings. Record warmest months are highlighted in purple. With time, the rankings for each individual month, season and year will change as more data becomes available from NCEI. Also, for reference, the annual or “Mega Ball” numbers are shown on the chart. For example, the Mega Ball number for 2022 was 111, meaning that 2022 was the eighteenth warmest year on record for the lower 48 states.

Seasonal or Power Ball rankings for winter are those for DEC/JAN/FEB, spring are MAR/APR/MAY, summer JUN/JUL/AUG, and fall SEP/OCT/NOV. Mega Ball rankings for each year are included on the chart below. Also, keep in mind that NCEI rankings for seasons are not merely an average of rankings of individual month of a season or year, as was the case for Spring 2024- 113/118/118 P.B. 125:

Summer 2024 Contest – Guy On Climate (6)

Notice that since the start of 2015 only three out of the lastthirty-eightseasons were near average or “black.” No season was below average or colored blue.Thirty-fiveoutof the lastthirty-eightseasonssince 2015 have been “red” or “purple,” being above average. Spring 2024 definitely adds to our warm stats and was also colored red. Indeed, the Climate Lottery hopper is very much loaded for above average temperatures for the lower 48 states looking at recent history. Yes, the “Casino of Climate Averages” is cheating causing the “House of Warming” to win just about every season due to carbon pollution.

I hope that everyone will have a great, safe summer…and stay cool.

Guy Walton…”The Climate Guy”

Here are more “ETs” recorded from around the planet the last couple of days, their consequences, and some extreme temperature outlooks, as well as any extreme precipitation reports:

I STRONGLY condemn the upcoming heatwave in the eastern U.S.

— Brian Brettschneider (@Climatologist49) June 11, 2024

49C in Saudi Arabia,45C in Central Asia/former USRR (minimums >30C!),45C in China,47C in India (mins up to 33C)…
Impressive anomalies in millions of square km and it will get worse.
50C possible in Israel next days.

— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) June 11, 2024

Brutal heat in ALGERIA
Rhourd Nouss Tmin 34.2 Tmax 47.6
TUNISIA: 46.1 Al Burma
LIBYA: 46.2 Essbea (near Tripoli)

Gassim 700m asl MIN 34.0 tmax 47.0
43.0 Najran 1200m asl

Central Asia: 44C in Turkmenistan

— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) June 10, 2024

45.5C in The Northern province of Xinjiang, 42.9C in the Hebei province.
77 stations and 4 northern provinces above 40C with next days are set to be even hotter.
Monthly records:
42.3 Anguo
41.6 Anping
41.2 Wuqiang
41.5 Jinghai

— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) June 11, 2024

Breaking news: NORTH KOREA has just recorded its highest temperature in history for June with 37.3C at Hamheung which tied the national record set Kangye in 2007.
North China over 45C, it's a historic heat wave which is rewriting climatic history and it will get much worse.

— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) June 11, 2024

Never ending record heat in THAILAND
37.6 today at Songkhla it's the hottest June day on record.
Since March 2023 Thailand has been breaking heat records no-stop, 500+-days of record heat.

— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) June 11, 2024

After Jakarta,Surabaya and Medan,another major city-Semarang-had its hottest June night in climatic history
The minimum temperature of 27.5C beats the previous record of 27.2C
Heat records have been falling since mid 2023 in Indonesia,every day,often of hot nights

— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) June 11, 2024

Record broken in PERU today too:
36.1C at Tarapoto is the highest temperature ever recorded in June.
Next days several records will be smashed in Bolivia,Paraguay,Argentina and Brazil.

— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) June 11, 2024

Records didn't last more than 1 day in Carravelle,MARTINIQUE, every day it beats and rebeats it all the time.
Today minimum temperature was 28.4C, breaking again the record of June hottest night.

— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) June 10, 2024

Here is some more new May 2024 climatology (Other reports are archived on prior daily posts.):

May 2024 in #Nicaragua had an average temperature of 29.6C and was the HOTTEST month on record surpassing April 2024 (29.5C)
38.8 at Managua broke its all time high, hile 34.8 Campo Azules and 34.5C Puerto Cabezas were monthly records
It was drier than normal:See Charts by Ineter

— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) June 10, 2024

May 2024 in #Paraguay was colder than average in the West and warmer in the Northeast with anomalies between -2C and +1C (left map).
It was generally drier than average specially in the East (right map).
Maps by DMH-Dinac.

— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) June 10, 2024

May 2024 in #Thailand was very hot and had an average temperature of 30.4C, +1.3C above normal.
Dozens of records were smashed allover the country.
Average rainfall was 208.7mm which is 12% above normal.
See temperatures and rainfalls anomalies maps by TMD.

— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) June 11, 2024

May 2024 in Sri Lanka was warm and rainy.
Rainfall amounts were exceptional and varied from 153% and 484% of the norm across the country resulting in severe floods.
See max/min and rainfalls anomalies map courtesy of Lanka Meteorological Service.

— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) June 11, 2024

May 2024 in New Caledonia had an average temperature of 22.3C which is 0.7C below normal.
It was the driest May on record together with May 1965 with a rainfall deficit of 84%.

— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) June 11, 2024

Not all, but large portions of the #Antarctic observed above average temperatures in May 2024. Anomalies even exceeded 5°C above the 1981-2010 average in parts of the Ross and Amundsen Seas where ice growth has slowed.

Data from

— Zack Labe (@ZLabe) June 11, 2024

Here is More Climate News from Tuesday:

(As usual, this will be a fluid post in which more information gets added during the day as it crosses my radar, crediting all who have put it on-line. Items will be archived on this site for posterity. In most instances click on the pictures of each tweet to see each article. The most noteworthy items will be listed first.)

New record high in the monthly CO2 average from measurements at Mauna Loa . . .

— CO2_Earth (@CO2_earth) June 10, 2024

Remember, if they hold conspiracy theories about climate, they probably hold conspiracy theories about COVID-19. That's why @PeterHotez and I have written our forthcoming book #ScienceUnderSiege:

— Prof Michael E. Mann (@MichaelEMann) June 11, 2024

There is still so much unknown or underreported about the impacts of extreme heat on our bodies and minds — including age and gender differences. This piece by @VStMartin points to some of the latest research on heat impacts on children.

— Jeff Goodell (@jeffgoodell) June 11, 2024

Please like this video and follow @weareyellowdot — this is Adam McKay's venture (director of Don't Look Up), and their content absolutely rocks.

— Prof. Eliot Jacobson (@EliotJacobson) June 10, 2024

World hit by $41bn of extreme weather damage this year. #climate

— Dr Paul Dorfman (@dorfman_p) June 10, 2024

This decade needs to see drastic climate action from the UK – so why isn’t the environment front and centre in this general election campaign?

My latest for @YorksBylines

— Brian McHugh 🌏🏳️‍🌈 (@BrianMcHugh2011) June 11, 2024

Thawing permafrost can cause huge emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Ominously, the image below shows high methane levels over Scandinavia, which could be the result of higher temperatures.

— Sam Carana (@SamCarana) June 11, 2024

From summer 2023– parching crops, boosting fires, straining water systems. Mexico City, of 19 million Reservoirs record low Groundwater depletion #climatechange #globalwarming

— Peter D Carter (@PCarterClimate) June 10, 2024

Who survives this? Rich people? Lucky people in the right place at the right time?
It's going to be chaos no matter what but our smiling leaders will sell us economic growth through Green Technology and promise us a bright future in the #ClimateCollapse

— Sophie Gabrielle (@CodeRedEarth) June 11, 2024

To stand against climate injustice, Frank from Dinagat Islands in the Philippines, — a community still recovering from Typhoon Odette (Rai) — has joined an international case in France against a big oil company🏭 (1/2)

— Greenpeace International (@Greenpeace) June 11, 2024

More from the Weather Department:

Tropical downpours could bring more than a foot of rain across parts of Florida this week.

Download The Weather Channel TV app for live updates: @TWCAlexWallace

— The Weather Channel (@weatherchannel) June 11, 2024

#Heat and humidity will be on the increase through the end of this week/weekend and into early next week across much of the central and eastern United States. The graphics below depict the percent chances for maximum heat indices to exceed 100 degrees (F). 🥵

— NWS Weather Prediction Center (@NWSWPC) June 11, 2024

First spaghetti model of the season for the first invest of the season. Sloppy rainmaker expected to cross Florida and maybe have a little window to develop between the US and Bermuda. Anyone have any parmesan cheese?

— Mike's Weather Page (@tropicalupdate) June 11, 2024

Less wildfire action and smoke this June compared to June 2023 thanks to timely rains, yay.

— Jeff Masters (@DrJeffMasters) June 10, 2024

Storms rumbled across Nebraska on June 7, presenting onlookers with some incredible supercell structures.

— AccuWeather (@accuweather) June 11, 2024

Today’s News on Sustainable Energy, Traditional Polluting Energy from Fossil Fuel, and the Green Revolution:

If only we could see climate pollution with the naked eye, climate change would be well on its way to being solved.

— Jeff Berardelli (@WeatherProf) June 11, 2024

Anyone want to pay to clean up after oil and gas while executives sail around in yachts partying with Supreme Court justices?

— @TXsharon Methane Hunter (@TXsharon) June 10, 2024

Good morning with good news: Lithium-ion battery cell prices drop from $400/kWh in 2014 to record low average price of $78/kWh in May 2024.

That's an 80.5% drop!

Battery price decline is a key to making EVs competitive with ICE. Prices down. Performance up.

Credit @sdmoores

— John Raymond Hanger  (@johnrhanger) June 11, 2024


The exponential growth, cost declines, and takeover of solar, wind, batteries, and EVs

The electrification and improved efficiency of everything

In charts @KingsmillBond @SamButl3r @DaanWalt3r @RockyMtnInst

— Mark Z. Jacobson (@mzjacobson) June 11, 2024

4 new records on California's grid Mon, June 10:

Highest solar power output: 18.925 GW
Highest battery power output: 7.646 GW
Highest daily solar output: 206.53 GWh/day
Highest battery charge rate: 5.958 GW

Plus 87th of 96 days w/ #WindWaterSolar >100% of demand for part of day

— Mark Z. Jacobson (@mzjacobson) June 11, 2024

More on the Environment and Nature:

🤯#Brilliant explainer on deep sea mining, showing why it's a radically stupid idea and completely unnecessary.
👉Not mentioned: more than 90% of battery materials can be infinitely recycled, significantly reducing the need for ANY new mining

— Green News Report (@GreenNewsReport) June 11, 2024

World’s top banks ‘greenwashing their role in destruction of the Amazon’

— Guardian Environment (@guardianeco) June 11, 2024

Sick, inexcusable and completely unnecessary.

This is a colossal stain on Icelandic culture.

— Bill McGuire (@ProfBillMcGuire) June 11, 2024

Iceland 🇮🇸 approves the slaughter of 128 fin whales.

Minister of Fisheries Bjarkey Olsen Gunnarsdóttir said the government was obligated to issue the permit, despite her own personal stance on the matter.

There is no justification for this ecocide.

— Blue Planet Society (@Seasaver) June 11, 2024

Dolphin stampedes are also sometimes referred to as “super pods” or “megapods”. They can gather up to thousands of dolphins. This one was filmed off the coast of San Diego.

[📹 taylor.parent]

— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) June 11, 2024

More on Other Science and the Beauty of Earth and this Universe:

A tornado and a rainbow? It was this storm team's lucky day! ⛈️🌈

— WeatherNation (@WeatherNation) June 11, 2024

A 25-year study shows that teens who receive empathy from their parents give more empathy to their peers and, later, their own children

— Scientific American (@sciam) June 11, 2024


Wow. Just astonishing

And more evidence that animals are so much more extraordinary than we ever thought possible

— Bill McGuire (@ProfBillMcGuire) June 10, 2024

Night thoughts, repetition

A short journey through time for reflection💚🌱☘️🌿🌳🌲💚

— Green is a mission (@Greenisamissio1) June 10, 2024

There are places on this planet where you want to sit, linger and be delighted by the splendor of nature. Nature asks no payment from us, only respect and kindness. We have to protect and preserve it for our descendants.💚☘️🌿🌱🌳🌲🍀💚

— Green is a mission (@Greenisamissio1) June 11, 2024

If you like these posts and my work on record temperature ratios, please contribute via my PayPal widget on this site. Thanks in advance for any support.

Guy Walton… “The Climate Guy”

Summer 2024 Contest – Guy On Climate (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.