Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (2024)

Feb 24, 2004
Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (1)
You want f*cking bees?
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (2)
Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (3)

I'm playing Terraria for the first time.

I've beaten the Eye of Cthulhu and Skeletron. I've explored most of the underground jungle, but I haven't found any beehives yet.

I've explored the entire Dungeon. There are still some chests I need to open (particularly those that require a colored key), but I've mapped the entire thing.

Anyway, I've got a Crimson area in the game, and it's entirely surrounded by blocks I can't mine. Every single heart is fully encased by red un-mineable stone. I know I'm supposed to kill those hearts to summon the Brain.

This is something of a catch-22. I need a pick that I can't make without beating the Brain, but I can't break the hearts to summon it without the pick.

Is there something I'm missing here?

#¿Nov 11, 2013 04:18
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#¿Jul 3, 2024 17:38
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Feb 24, 2004
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (12)
Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (13)

Pangalin posted:

Dynamite. You're missing dynamite.

Why didn't I think of that? I have like 25 dynamite in my stash, and 50+ bombs.

Brb, gonna blow up a brain.

#¿Nov 11, 2013 04:22
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (18)
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (19)
Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (20)

I killed the brain, then realized I had enough vertebrae to summon it again. So I killed it again.

Meteorites started falling so I mined up some Meteor Armor and a Space Gun. Pew pew!

Mined some obsidian, made a skull, and now I can wander around hell without getting killed by the bricks. I ended up making an underground sky bridge of dirt and ash about 1000 blocks long, and plundered half a dozen hell apartments.

Got a demon scythe spell that's badass! I haven't tried it yet, but it looks like it could absolutely wreck any boss that likes to stand still a lot, like Skeletron.

I've been backing up my spells with a Muramase and the Space Gun. The Muramase is actually easier to use when you're getting swarmed by bats than the spells.

I think I'm gonna set up a secondary base down in hell. I have about 1500 rope, so maybe I'll just dig a straight tunnel down and rope it so I don't die from the fall. If I can find a path without lava.

This game owns.

#¿Nov 11, 2013 08:02
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (25)
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (26)
Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (27)

Dumb question: If I get to the bottom of the map, is it safe to step off blocks and onto the bottom? Or is it a bottomless pit?
#¿Nov 11, 2013 23:39
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (34)

SourceElement posted:

I haven't tried it since before 1.2, but it should still be safe. Much the same as standing on the upper edge of the world with a gravity potion in effect.

I haven't tried that either!
#¿Nov 12, 2013 00:01
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (39)
You want f*cking bees?
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (40)
Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (41)

Hellevator complete! Started straight under my house. Only hit two pockets of lava on the way down, and I was able to easily pour water down the shaft to make it into obsidian.

Hit a massive pocket of ruby and sapphire. About 30 of each.

I went ahead and threw rope down it the whole way, because sliding down the rope doesn't seem any slower than falling.

Question: in the jungle, I found a structure. It is surrounded by orange bricks that have faces on them. I can't mine through even with my crimtane axe. I found a door but it takes a key. What is this? Where do I get the key?

#¿Nov 12, 2013 06:45
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You want f*cking bees?
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (47)
Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (48)

qnqnx posted:

You lucked out, some people have a hard time finding the temple.

Early on, I just went with the caves. Now that I have more stuff than I know what to do with, I tend to explore with more purpose and direction. I'm not afraid to just tunnel straight through solid ground for a bit to help find hidden caves and stuff.
#¿Nov 12, 2013 08:25
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (53)
You want f*cking bees?
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (55)

So at what point should I move on to hard mode? I haven't died in easy mode in ages, except through my own stupidity (drowned in honey when I accidentally mined through into a water cave and got stuck under honey blocks).

Should I finish my home before I move on? Should I take the time to get buckets of lava for the roof and moats? That sort of thing?

Also what's a reliable way of finding sky islands? Build a long bridge across the top? I found one but I feel it was by luck more than anything.

#¿Nov 16, 2013 23:50
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (60)
You want f*cking bees?
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (61)
Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (62)

crestfallen posted:

You don't need to prepare your house, unless its not in the sky already. If it's in the ground or on the surface, yeah, you'll need some protection.

You shouldn't need anything more than meteor armor and the space gun honestly. Anything you have better than that is a bonus. Right when you start hard mode, you can get the mushroom spear and the frost armor set, which is better than almost anything else in hard mode.

Also, islands. If you have the meteor armor + space gun, just walk along the ground firing straight up every little bit. If there's an island above you, you'll hear the space gun hit a block. Then you can just build a tall 1-block sand pile to get up there.

My house started as an upside down pyramid (the point is on the ground). I took some input from my son, and it turned into a heart. Then we built a large arrow through it.

It's built so that the ground near the point is easy to get into but impossible to get out of without flight. I have pressure-plate dart traps and stuff down there.

All the doors are well off ground level, except those with actuators.

I've been thinking of

#¿Nov 17, 2013 01:36
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (67)
You want f*cking bees?
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (68)
Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (69)

I killed the Wall of Flesh a couple days ago, and I'm now in hardmode.

Some random thoughts and questions:

This Golden Shower spell I crafted is amazing. And hilarious. It does less damage per hit than my Demon Scythe, but it hits more often, is easier to aim, and the debuff it provides makes more of a difference than I thought it would!

Pirate Invasions are a joke. The same trap that killed Goblin Armies kills Pirates with ease.

I got a really nice Cutlass weapon that I'm using as a backup for the Golden Shower. Thanks Pirates!

Twice now I've been assaulted randomly by hardmode bosses. Skeletron Prime and the Destroyer. Skeletron absolutely wrecked me, but I almost got the Destroyer. Is there a trick to summoning him deliberately? I'd love to try again with all my potions in effect.

I got the Frost Armor, but I've since crafted some Orichalcum armor. The boosts to my magic are, thus far, worth the reduced defense. Am I crazy for switching?

I noticed that the on-hit effects for both Frost Armor and Orichalcum armor are triggered by traps that I placed. That's kind of neat.

There's Crimson everywhere to the east! I read up and it looks like it spreads quickly now. I've read it won't spread through wood, but nowhere can I find how thick that wood needs to be. I've put a two-block-wide wooden barrier around my entire town on and below the surface. Is that enough of a barrier? Or does it need to be wider? I can do wider.

I have zero surface Hallow to play in. Almost all of the western part of my world is Jungle. There's a tiny patch of desert on one side (followed by what's left of my partially drained ocean) and forest on the other, but the rest is Jungle. Within the Jungle, I've found some underground pockets of what I assume to be Hallow, because the water turns magenta and there are occasional pockets of pearlstone or pearlsand. I want to kill some unicorns. Should I take some of the pearl blocks and make my own Hallow biome somewhere? I have some spare forest I can use.

There are no hardmode enemies in my dungeon. I've been through the whole thing on two separate occasions. Is there something I have to do to make them appear? Or does a new dungeon spawn in hardmode? Or is this a bug?

My Lihizard temple's door is still locked. Where can I get a key?

#¿Nov 24, 2013 19:17
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Feb 24, 2004
Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (74)
You want f*cking bees?
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (75)
Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (76)

Your trees on top of your house are too close together to grow. Each acorn needs a couple of empty blocks on either side. I don't know the exact number.
#¿Nov 26, 2013 22:09
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You want f*cking bees?
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (83)

ThirdEmperor posted:

Has anyone ever managed to completely excise the Hallow and the Corrruption/Crimson from a hardmode world? I'm looking for a challenge and wondering if that would be feasible.

It would take ages, but you could dig a series of vertical shafts and spray cleansing solution (or whatever it's caused) as you climb up or down. Make sure the shafts are too wide for it to spread through from the contaminated side.

I'm not sure how closely you'd have to space the shafts because I don't recall the range on the solution sprayer. Either way, that's way too much work for me.

#¿Nov 26, 2013 22:44
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You want f*cking bees?
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (89)
Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (90)

Tin Tim posted:

Thanks for the info, folks! I guess I just have to remodel my tower, and stuff the Moonglow farm into the biome for the Witch Doctor. Was planning to do the same for the shroom guy and the shroom farm, so I may as well plan it symmetrical. I really don't like the look of pot farms, so I'll get over the biome change effects. Though, it's kinda strange how much range so few blocks seem to cover.

Oh, any tips on getting Fireblossom seeds? I'd imagine I will have to bring a bucket to hell, and dump some lava over some flowers that already grew there, right?

If the flowers are downhill from some lava, you could just dig it out.
#¿Nov 27, 2013 21:08
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (95)
#¿Jul 3, 2024 17:38
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Feb 24, 2004
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You want f*cking bees?
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (99)
Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (100)

Friendly Factory posted:

I understand this make me a wuss and everything, but is there a mod that lets me hold down M1 to auto-attack with swords? I can't seem to find one even though a bunch of people on the internet seem to want this feature.

Some swords auto attack, and some dont.
#¿Dec 18, 2013 00:11
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Terraria 1.2 - Just Keep Digging (2024)


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