The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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0 a Q' CHESHIRE Little chil 9 de handsome now dandruff gone JUNE 9 The the safe antiseptic ANTIQUE MIRROR ANTIQUE MIRROR I Exhibition and Sale on 21 Harrison Avenue A PHIL this Special Monday Only Birdseye dr Ohio Bluelip lived LIMIX v6 pkgs to a customer A 1X I on on on convincingly environment their history biological in by In who have the primi is fasci iformation said well (Li customs and of the land ob it Is anchon BaaotT eatures Colman leading a church at that'Present the suspicion of his real the of Ancient by Winifred and palm oil lather into the skin Rinse with with cold That been for your medicine I could fiot have done my work as It shoul4 have been done Mother told me of Lydia Vegetable Com pound and I had read in different papers what it had done for diL' ferent women try it so my hus bottle at first' of that physical fight to 'mission in of Springfield that time an Intensive effort made to enrol 200000 the for the Propagation of the Announcements to this effect The Best Corned Beef That Can Be Made HARTT BROS "The Corned Beef Zl storkbridee St of Richmond Va tell and Dr loyd AV Philadelphia: Montgomery and Mrs Henry Pea body world authorities on foreign missions: Dr Edwin AT Poteat of Shanghai China: Dr Ralph Thomas of the Philippine Islands Dr James Stowell author and authority on home missions President Clarence A Bar bour of Rochester TheologicaVsemi nary Prof Henry Hallam Tweedy of Yale" Divinity 'school Miss Mary Entwistle of London and Cairo Rev' Melvin Trotter of Grand Rapids Rev John A MacSporfan of Orange Rev Howard Weir of Salem and Rev Arthur LI Kinsolving herst AV Moody will again preside at the General conference 'meeting July 30 to August 15 at which special lectures to ministers are to be given daily at RussellSage chapel A daily Bible class for women at this confer ence will be conducted by Miss Grace Hamilton of Baltimore Md and provision Will be made for children of both kindergarten and intermediate George Seigmann Estelle William Mong and many favorites opened a four Labor Leaders Christen LOCAL REPUBLICANS TO ATTEND DINNER SPRINGIELD ON LIST SPEAKERS MINISTERS STRESS IDEALS EOR HOME She wanted me tp band got me one them I took two others Now I atia feeling quite strong again" Ernest Tanguay of Adams Mass says she was ill for four years and ould not sleep nights or go out on the street She read about the Vegetable Compound and decided to try it After taking eight bottles she was able to do all herwork and gu anywhere and is quite herself again This dependable Vegetable) Com pound is a household word irtothou sands of homes The fourth genera tion is now Icurning the merit of Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound If this medicine has helped other women why it help you? Aryour tail Today that spirit is far down the speaker com Rcccnt Briefly Characterized by Library Staff George Stearns was the son of a Unitarian minister and by the time ItUook two figures to express his age was known all Rowe as the book of this TWO WOMEN OUND HELP Definite Moral Obligation Mr Beers Declares Martin Sees Worth in Mod Type of Homes i Three great founuations for a or more pep onhot days try glnss of home made root Oeer Ask your yrocer for Root Beer Extract Adver tisem*nt If you have a real case of dandruff now or any signs of one go after it with JListerinc the safe antiseptic Its efficiency is beyond question You will surprised how quickly it remedies this condition which disgusts all and humilP ates the victim You sirfiply douse Listerine on the scalp full strength and massage thoroughly with the finger tips Keep it up religiously for a few "days and in stubborn cases longer Results will delight you Get it today Lambert Pharmacal Com pany St Louis Mo WELL 1MA1TJE IMPORTED TENNIS RACQUETS OR CHILDREN 98c and $150 9 examining wit Althougli Mr Stearns was a Democrat ho supported his ITflLA PRINTING PUBLISHING CO Inc All Kinds of Printing from a Uusiness Card to a Newspaper PROGRAMS AND BOOKLETS A SPECIALTY ADVERTISING POSTERS LinotlSpe Composition 51 Taylor St Springfield RIVER 4193 BOOKSTORE V3T9 MAIN ST SPRINGIELD warm water: then is all rule for keeping that schoolgirl complexion (sl Do that regularly and particu larly before bed 3 Never let powder1 rouge or make up remain on your skin over night njuch better your skin is in everyone week GET REAL PALMOLIVE Get Palmolive today1 Costs brt 10c a cake Use no otheron yur face 'But' be sure you gdt GEN UINE Palmolive Crude imitations represented to ut of olive and palm are not thojsame as Palmolive Remember'tkat'and TAKE CARE The Palmoliv peet Co Chicago Mrs Nina Matteson Box 206 Oxford writes "If it hiidnot the is New Offering "Alias the in which the Poli Players will appear at the Court Square theater all thia week starts with a picture of a refrigerator car on a freight train bound toward Kan sas Jiere one secs a group of tem porary and permanent tramps making their way toward more pleasant sec tions Onoof the group is a slick card shark and confidence man while another is a young man member of a prominent family out to shift' for himself but not making a brilliant success of it There Is also an es caped murderer and a burglar of na tion wide reputation In the midst of this unusual group is a girl fleeing from home rom such a prolog the action of the play turns to a hotel in a small Kansas town and the ex periences of this group in conjunction with'a gang of pugilists light pro moters card sharps and some inter esting townsfolk make both comedy and melodrama in lavish quantities The role of the will played by Rogers Barker the veteran char acter man of the Poli Players and there is no questionpbut that he will be highly entertaining as the "pious who so suavely trims folks out of their ready money The girls role vvillebe played by Bella Cairns and rank Lyornwill be hobo to whom she is engaged CATHEDRAL TO HAVE NEW HEATING PLANT Taft chief just ice (leclgrert that to lie a good Catholic one must be a gopd American their can be no fealty to the church without corresponding loyalty to the flag Bigotry is done Mr 'Mealey asserted remarking the change that has come since the few years ago when he atftnded Holy Cross college nt Worcester He told how ho himself was abie to hear from the house he was visiting the teacher of a Sunday school next loor point to a young priest and inform his class that he wore robes so as to hide his devil's hti rirH mented and he declared his personal conviction that it will be proved by the election of the governor of New York state to be the land The speaker was introduced by ather James IV Tobin director of the society and whoso classmate he was at college ather Tobin told how Mr Healey Tn younger days entered and won a nation wide re clamation contest winning the Amer ican championship He was then challenged by a speaker from Europe brought on for the purpose and de feated the challenger a Ger man ather George Connor rector of the Caihedral spoke briefly con gratulating the men on their splendid shewing as evidenced both by their attendance at the breakfast and their earlier receptiiyi af JS ii'Ckmass of the hplv eucharist Olliers seated at the headstable included Judge lames CarronQ Edward A Hall i our Commissioner George McClean and Chief of Police William Quilty? An orchestra furnished music for the meeting and the concluding hymn REVIEW BOOKS AT CITY LIBRARY Eight Structures in State Street Group Will Be Af fected Project to Cost $25000 A new vacuum heating for St Michael's cathedral St convent the Cathedral rectory the housetwo schoolj buildings and other structures eight in all Ts being installed by the Cathedral par ish' according to an announcement made yesterday by ather George Connor rector aThe project will in volve an expenditure of $25000 The present heating plant has given 25 years of service and has deterio rated in that length" of time to much an extent that frequent repairs are necessary the ground having almost yearly to be tom up to reach detective piping An incidental factor in the parish's decision to undertake thi new work is the fact that it will thereby considerably reduce the annual expen diture for coal always amajor item in th? yearly budget The undertaking Another In a series of rqajor imp' ovements which have been initiated since ath er Connor took charge of th cathe dral Others haVe included the en tire remodeling of "St Michael's hall so that it might be used for the phy sical advancement of tho city's Catho lic children extensive improvements in the grounds and walks and repairs to the church the rectory and other buildings? Speaking of the remodeling of the llctll Vli A4II1UL OlitJCl Jl'dlUffl LzViiHUiyesterday "pointed out tliat the invest ment has proved well merited It is now in daily use for gymnastic pur poses with full time instructor for both girls and boys Besides this it is in use many nights each month last week for examjye it was used three nights for a minstrel show one night for a ppblic debate and another for sports? a SPEAKER ATTACKS CRIMEAND VICE 0 MODERN DAY Ast Dist Atty Healey of Brooklyn Addresses Holy Nape Society TABLOID MURDER TALES AECT YOUNG MINDS Right toJPresi Their Banished by Lydia Vege table Compound handhat holds the death gun trem bles for the arm behind is punctured many many times by the awful nee dle that puts into their system that product of the poppy leaf that saps them of their vitality and drags them into the depths of crime With all respect to prohibition the menace of cocaine is the worst that we of New York have te The Snyder Gray murder trial came in for mention when the distriet at towiey referred toUt as ono of the dangerous influencctf'on young mindsHe told of how the day before he had I seen 5000 struggle to get into the court vom of 'how society women in costly ermine decorated clothes" left their motors and joined' in the milling yirong to stay through out the day in the room of' justice leaving only when it became apparent that there would be no greavfilth in the trial'1 day Stenographers taking the subway in the morning literally reach the newsstands that they might buy the tabloid dren 12 13 and 14 put down their pennies for these sickening reports of a sickening trial and eagerly drink in the stuff that turns Their suspectible little minds drugs Their tiny souls and hardens their little hearts "Watch the literature that your boy as well as your girl reads day by" day bessatisfied with say ing 'It can't come into our lives not that kind of a father not tlwt sort of a boy and that style of home' It will come in unless you make a pal of your youngster unless yqxi keep the light of love burning: thatTittle light that has been extin guished in so many of our metropoli tan families Mothers Honored is day In the ex amplextf good mothers is thiCgreatest force lor good iiYour land today Pay tribute to her who through sacrifice and devotion earing children who will some day a credit to you and to her to our eommunitieschnd to our faith Accept your own responsibility in this In a brief discussion of the recent Marshall Smith letters Mr Healey branded as false the assumption that no Catholic couM become president He recalled a gathering of Holy Name men at Portland Ore in 191 when ex President William iiowara MISSION SOCIETY TO SEEK 200000 IN LOCAL DIOCESE At the end of the book includes a the definitions being personal opinions of the According to Mr Carter war is natural 'state of carnivorous man actuated by the necessity of taining food for himself and (Library No 3224 C24) Indians of America American by Hyatt VcrrlJI will bo welcomed many readers who have searched vain for a good general ontgvolume work on the Indian This book tells 'ofthe Indians of North South and Central America their arts and in dustries dances and ceremonials superstitions mnd legends family life and customs Mr3 Verrill discusses briefly the various theories about the origin of the Indians seeks to cor rect popular misconceptions about them and e'mphasizes what we owe to them (Library No 804 V61) Amy Lowell "Amy Lowell neither distinguished poet nor great critic was still Amy Lowell and played her part These words may come to many who have enjoyed Miss with something! of a shock but it is the opinion expressed by Clement Wood in his book "Amy as it is the opinion expressed in his earlier book of when he called Miss Dowell "the bril liant failure in modem The fact that in 200 reviews of the latter book no person dtagreed with the views he had expressed has apparent ly led him to elaborate on them Probably some misguided souls will continue enjoy Amy Lowell just the same (Library No L9512zw) The vicissitudes ofraces and na tions may appear to be controlled by fate but Ellsworth Huntington in the argues plays a major part in and that environment heritance and cultural' progress worked together to produce the fluctuations of Besides tell ing what the weather doeto people the effect that dimple has had upon history and how thecity attracts cer tain types of mankind the author in cludes a brief history of the Jews from the point of view of geographical effect upon its evolution (Library No 5734 H92pu) "In Knut Dahl tells of his on a hunting and collecting exjdition to Arnheim ana Dampter Land where he among the Australian savages some Never touch any 9 but true complexion soap to your face TAUND ER wash cleanse with any soap you wish But when beauty is at stake take care tModenj b'auty culture calls Tor soap and water But that means a TRUE COMPLEXION0 SOAP rSoaps good for other purposes tare often top harsh for the skin Thus0 largely on expert advice mil lions' use Palmolive Soap touch gtheir faces ith no other It is made of cosmetic oils It is made5for one purpose only to protect and beautify the skin Wsfdh the face with PalmojErre Massage its balmy olivt ORGETTING EXPERIENC BRANDED BY PASTOR Rev Wolcott Coit Treat branded for getting or trying to forget experience as of the worst things people do to in his sermon on that subject at St Episcopal yesterdayi morning "Some he said "approach the! ex perience as they would a runftnage sale pick it over and choose the things they like bestMn it fnd yet some of the most valuable pieces tef use are the pieces ve like the least "These aro thefailures shames in credible falls from the ideal degen eracies and delinquincies which we would like to throw away The ex perience of our shortcomings is alone the basic experience which will help us to make our experience a better one or to do this is the job of life It is only the good experience which carries authority Christianity is the best experience We find in Jesus Christ the great patrn of what we might if our experience were jf him and him only And from this time onward we determine with all our strength to make experience our apprehension of life a blessed one be cause it is the experience of the Keeping Schoolgirl Dr Gilkey and Rev Warren Towell to Addrqs North field Conferences East Northfield May Tho name of Dr James Gordon Gilkey of Spring field appears in the of speakers published in the latest bulletin issued tne Aoruineld bummer confer ences Dr Gilkey will address the Young confer nee meeting June 24 to July 2 and iso to be the speaker at the public service at the auditorium July 17 when the oreign Missionary conference will be in ses sion Rev Warrent Powell min ister of education at the Trinity Meth odist church Springfield wilf again this year act as Dean of Young Peo ple at tho Conference of Religious Education of which Judge Robert Chapin Parker df Westfield has for many years been chairman Over 100 platform speakers leaders and faculty will take part in the Northfield assemblies this vear which open June 15 the week following the Northfield Seminarv commencement ahd continue in session to August 22 Among tlPse leaders in Christian thought and activity who represent many denominations church organiza tions and mission 'boards are Dr John A Hutton editor of the' British Weekly Prof A Macaulay of L'nited ree college Glasgow: Rev James Reid of Eastbourne Eng Dr Henry Sloane Coffin Dr John ott Dr Robert Speer Dr Charles Jefferson and Dr Daniel A Poling 0Of Lr Walter Lingle Dr Robert Lit Tomkins of Helen Barrett rHE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: MONDAY MAY 9 1927 1 1 a a over the towr? of In name Clifton Johnson of tlie boy who be cfhie one of the ablest wittiest and best loved lawyers of Hampden county WhcneveP Stearns appeared in court to try a case there was always a large audience to en joy his method of nesses life long neighbor Robiuson when he ran Tor governor against Butler But when accused of desert ing to the stocking be pulled up his trousers leg and dis played ljs woolen sock Old residents of will recall the letters ho wrote to The Republican whileon a trip to lorida He was greatly desirous of shooting an' alligator and one day saw a big fellow on a 'bank and blazed away at bini To his huge delight the cnever moved but he had been dead for months! The Jook abounds in anecdotes and from the chapter on "Hotft one can easily see why it was that George Stearns might be the original of David Jlarutn brary No S7993J) I War John Carter's "Man is is based on tlie thesis that world will find peace alien man is Even in case of a future world federation of nations the author does not see peace there will still be classes and races who will fight for tleir own beliefs Several chapters are devoted to present conditions vrhich are hot beds sprouting future wars to the power of the papacy in world affairs and io the foreign policy of America the author largely the author on topics of the day Harold Beil Wright's thrilling story "The Win ning of Barbara ha at last reached the screen and began a run yesterday film ver sion was photographed on tthe arid JjlnCrC iOCrC desert IvOnsLld and Vilma Banky are the players World Series Scenes In Kelly The two most popular things in American amusem*nt baseball and the movies are combined "Slide Kelly which was seen for the first times at the Broadway theater yester day Actual baseball scenes show ing the world's series between St Louis and New York last fall dovetail the romance between William Ilaihes and Sally O'Neil daughter of the vet eran catcher Harryg Carey The in the picture Includes Bob Meusel his brother Emil Tony Laz zeri famous stars of the diamond and Mike Donlin a laseball hero 01' other days JCarl Dane has a comedy role and others in the cast are Warner Richmond Eileen Sedgwick Junior Coghlan Paul Kelly Guinn Williams and Dorothy Sebastian The associate feature Is "The Blond with Lewis Stone and Doris Kenyon The comedy is a two act Hal Roaeh pro duction "rom Hoboken to Holly and the Pathe niw completes the picture bill A novelty overture is also featured Catholic Parishioner? Hear Announcement At Least $200000 Each Year WillRaised or Work The wcekof the 15th to the 22d has been set aside as the Catholic diocese During will be Society aith was made in each of the churches at alt masses yesterday following by several weeks an explanation of the society and its needs made by each pastor at the request of Bishop Thom as O'Leary Rev George Hurley of St rectory Warren has been appointed diocesan director of the society and has prepared literature on the sub ject this being distributed yesterday throughout the diocese It is pointed out that there are a billion souls in foreign pagan lands Umpng whom 65 000 are laboringIt is to bring tlie faith to these pagans "and to assist these missionaries that the society has been founded Will Start Work Soon The first step in the organization of the society here will be taken this week when leagues will be formed in each parish? Meetings have called in each parish the time at 'the discretion of the various pastors Promoters will be expected among other volunteer services to make col lections monthly each from a small stated group Memberships aro classified ir? throe groups Ordinary members will pay JI each yojjjr special members J6 yearly and perpetual members J4J? the ter paving but once If the goal of 20000(Pmembers is attained the min imum sum fi om the diocese this year will thus be J200000 with the prob ability of double or greater that amount There are 1200000 nten'thers already enroled (in this country and these efast year gave 55000000 On tlie same average of giving this dio cese would contribute in excess of $800000 if tho quota of members were attained cessful happy Christian home are: Noble love willingness for ret sponsibility on the part of the parents and children according to Rev George Pitt Befi who preached on tiiis sub ject at Park Memorial Baptist church yesterday morning ''first of he said a genuine love gyoundedi in a higher spiritual inter est and sympathy Any marriage en tered upon on a basis of transient pleasure stands a 95 per cent Chanels of failure A marriago entered upon with a real understanding of the meaning of home making and a defi nite' purpose in this direction on the part of both parties has a 95 per chance of success Our young people should definitely face this fait successful home must reeogrfize a definite moral obligation to hus band and wife to children and to so ciety Religious inspiration is needed "Where a great religious purpose ani I mates for both parties the prob lems in a home must be the result of a definite recognition and cultivation of the religious responsibilities of Kev Ur George A Martin of Mes ey uetnodlst Episcopal preached also on church yesterday morning day American he said product of the home life of a past generation While the old fashioned home is gone never to return those moral and religious factors which made it can produce a modern type equally as good perils of the modern American home are Homeless childless di vorce commercialized and irreligious homes No nation can long survive tho declineand decay of home and family life The Christian reliirion is home builder and preserves for it love radiant in of the least civilizeif people of the globe His accountof tl: two years spent among these people not progressed much from five man of the stono nating and gives accurat of the animal life of the country the people and their tribal the natural resources (Library No VI 013) and Queens Egypt" with portraits Brunton history by eminent Egyptol ogists and a foreword by Prof IL Breasted gives a series of pictures of some' of the earliest royalty hose names have come down to us What the historians have attempted in words Mrs Brunton has done in form and color (Library No 71 K61) 1 'j's and Stripes and in ready ferPe Massj hiisif( Courts What might have been taken a hint of tlie SaeC' Vanzetti case Notes of the Theaters rances Starr Heads Early Week Poli Bill The vaudeville program at Poli's Palace for the first threedays of this weekpoffers one of the most notable attractions of the season In rances Starr fhe distinguished legitimate staro Under the banner of David Be lasco she has achieved success in Easiest of tlie Case of Marie and In her brief vaudeville tour Miss Starr will be seen in a playlet entitled and writterP by Ethel Clifton and staged by 'Mr 'Helasco Eccentric conidy and dancing will be found in the apt of the Three Sailors a trio confposed of Bert Jason Bob Robson and Harry Blue A breeze from the South is presented by Tinibin Billy Raymond and Vai Russell in their combination of comedy singing and dancing called Bqb Carleton and Julie Ballew offer a group of songs that can be called Bud Carlell is a cowboy hose expert rope spin ning is augmented by some bright talk grades Homer Hammontrce and his accompanist Howard Hermansen who were absent from tho platform last: year will return this season to con duct the son services John Gilbert in with its notei cast which includes John Gilbert lienee Adorve Taylor other return engagement at theater yesterday This is a version of Alex ander famous novel Count of Monte Cristo" which deals with the mysterious powerful and fabulously rich Count of Monte Cris to who returns to the rench coyrt for revenge Years before when lie was known as irdmuBl Dantes he had been thrust into prison through the plot of three pp verful members of 1he court The an liences es him relent Jessiy followed the trail of this three who have no identity until he accomplishes lYnnth rf nil nf them The theater is also offering Charlie Chaplin in a revised edition of his comedy The short subjects include ox News pictures and another animated elix cartoon May 9th to18th Mrs Anna Tillmghast Will Be Honored at Boston Thursday Prominent local Republicans will be among those who will honor Mrs Anna Xillinghast former vice chair man of the Republican state commit tee at a dinner 'at the Copley Plaza hotel Boston Thursday night AIrs Tillinghasthas recently been named commissioner of immigration for the port of Boston Among those from this city who will attend the event will be Senator red erick Gillett Congressman Henry Bowles Commissioner Gordon and Airs A A Packard of the state committee Greenfield will be represented by Qlrs Arthur Potter Easthampton by Airs rederick Jiufd and Westfield by Stiss Lucy Gil lett William ALrorgrave superin tendent of the Massachusetts Antisa loon league and formerly superin tendent of the central western district of the league headquarters In this city will also attend ItlM IELD iremen Elected Officers Brimfield May 8 The annual meet ing of the Brimfield fire department was held at the town hall riday night The officers re elected are: Chief Harry Landen secretary and treasurer Walter Brown foreman Stanley Hicks assistants George Sherman Alunroe Tarbell rank naiey Herman Aiaddocks deucy Defended Drug Evil Cornls in or Bitter Attack More than 1000 men the Cathe dral Holy Name society crowding St Michael's hall on Elliot street for communion breakfast yesterdaynorifing listened to an inspiring ad itress by Asst Dist Atty' Leo IJealey of Brooklyn the great gathering at times its feet in applause other tinges sitting in intense quiet as tho speaker ranged from de fcnseCof Catholic loyalty warning of the besotting problem of criminal youOi Occasion was also taken to tribute to motherhood thus rec ognizing the thetnejif Alotlier's day Tho day of bigotry is passed tho speaker declared in a discussion of tin recent Marshall Smith letters is beiPnniiig more and more recog nized that to observe the fundamental principles of his faith a Catholic must bo 1yal his country Every star of tho flag been lighted with Catholic devotion and inspiration ev ery crimson stripe has been reddemol with Catholic blood The Catholicwithout regard to or creed stands hand clasp with his fellow okmcrican in common clliim of lie tary and treasurer Aliss Emma Martin executive committee Airs erris and Airs Archibald A committee consisting of AIra Cumrtinga Miss May Ittgalla and Alisa MildrdU Dunn was appointed to make arrangements for the summer outingwhich Airs Kingman Golledge IW invited the club to hold at her new hom*o "at Stamford Vt A of thanks was given Airs WJ AIcGWk for her splendid service as president for the past two years After the business session Miss Lovis Sawyer of North Adams gave'hn Interesting talk on club' and delicious refrt shments were served in charge of Alabcl Blood and Aliss lor ence Dunn 2 ALBERT A BROOKS DEAD Passes Awny at Home After Brief Jll ness uneral today Chester Alay 8 Albert Arthur Brooks diedr at his home on Hunting ton street early thia morning after a short illness AlrBrooks was at Nova Scotia In 1897 and hafllvei only a short time In Chester where lie was employed by the Cortland Grinding Wheel corporation He was married to Airs lora Louisa (Waite) Herrick of North Blandford who sur vives him The funeral which will be private will be held at the hometomorrow afternoon at 3 Rev rank pastor of the United Church officiating Burial will be in Blandford Center cemetery ft There will be a meeting of the Book club in the United church ves try Alonday night at which the Chau tauqua guarantors bo present Alisa Aiargaret AlcCleer of Philadel phia advance agent of the NitionjH Conmiunitj foundation will preseitf the plan to carrjlhe nd vantages of education to the tovvh and country communities by providing a specially endowed service through the Swarthmore Chautauqua association Officers are: Rev rank Pc arley chairman AV Simmons and AL AV Terrill assistants Airs Simmons and Airs rank ay publicity Book Stationery Toy Gift largeat etora of It kind In New England Complexion By VILMA BANKY AUSTRALIANS CALL CITY ONE BEST ATER VISIT HERE ollowing Sight Seeing Mo tdr Trip Yesterday General approbation of this city as one of the best American municipal ities they have encountered in Jheir long wanderings was Indicated by the group of business men and labor leaders now visiting here when they returned from a specially ar ranged motor bus trip about the city yesterday "The City of they christened the town for while they admired its traditionally beautiful homes they felt that the number anil unusual beauty of its trees was especially worthy of atten tion The trip was taken by motor bus from the Hotel Kimball and Cham ber of Commerce reception committee headed by Charles Aloore acted as escort This morning at 930 the group will make a tour of of Gilbert plant at AVest Springfield under the direction of Stanley Hope The group leaves tills city at noon for New York so as to be present at a dinner to be given tonight for the Australian consul gen eral in that city Yesterday's trip was started at 2 and all parts of the city were visited A motor btis conveyed the Australians and the local business men first southerly along Chestnut street to State where the visitors were great ly interested in Saint Gaudenss's fa mous statue of at Alerrick square They praised the Art museum the library and Church of the Unity for their architectural features They were shown the high schools on State street the club tlie ederal Land bank and Mere particularly interested in the United States Armory rom tlie Armory the bus tookthe men outeto Benton street to get a view of the new building of tlie Massachusetts Alutual Insurance company rom this point they were taken to AViibraham road along Hick ory street to the campus of Spring field college which has five students from 'Australia 0 rom he college the guests were conveyed to tire' Ayatershops plant of the armory then down to Oakland street to Sumner avpnue where they saw the new Trinity Methodist Epis copal church in process of construc tion They entered orest park through the Sumuer avenue entrance and were delighted with the beauty iedl cXlcJll OI lie Darn Aiier circling around Colony hills the new residential section at Jxmgmeadow thev party was taken down Columbus avenue to the Alunicinal rrmin and pup into the toiler for the view Alany pof them took photgoraphs here rom tlie tower the bus took the crowd to the S'hrine hospital the new Our Lady of Hope church and thence backto tlie Hotel Kimball At Die luncheon tendered to the guests from overseas1 on Saturday 1 I noon at the Kimball each one re ceived a AA ebster collegiate dictionary with the compliments of the Merriam company for 50 years pub lishers its a souvenir of Springfield AD I CLUB CT Review Program of 4th Season Severn! Address Meeting 3 Cheshire May 8 The ff lead ing club clpsed the 48th season of its history with an enjoyable meeting at the home of Airs II Archibald ri day night The report shows a membership of 24 nd num ber of meetings held 30 SBooks reqd included Seaport Towns of New by Holdegrade Hawthorne and "Our by Alark Sullivan Since January the club studied the lives and writings of modern authors each member having been for an program The writers taken up in tbls'y'Wy were David Grayson Elsie Singmaster Jbhn Galsworthy Christopher ATorley AValter Prichard Eaton Sylvia Thompson Edna erber John Dewey Carl Sanburg annie Stearns Davis Gifford and Sinclair Jxnvis Once a month the club has Vad a outside speaker and guests have been Invited' to enjoy these addresses Rev John Theodore presented the work of the Near East Relief association to which the club donated $1150 Airs Ellen Alahady of zAdams spoke on her work with ther'Adains High orchestra Prof Alortimer Thomas of North Adams spoke on Aliss Jean Jarvie ofNorth Adams on irst ami Mr Hubert laherty of Adams on "Aluscle Airs Burbank of North Adams gave an illustrated lecture on of This Tho lub has given one book to the Cheshire library anil' has renewed tho subscriptions to the Atlantic Alonthly and Current History magazines for he library Tlie following officers were elected: President Airs AV A Benj'min vice president Aliss Alildred Towersecre 1 for was ventured by Atty Healey in an appeal i1' confidence in specific mentii being made of the jlldiqjary for which this comnion weab'li isAso broadly known Agitators agai st the America tflgovernment and its great institutions were bitterly as sailed and every loyal citizen enjoined to impress on those who found them selvesunhappy under the privileges igk of our democracy that theyoare free to withdraw ne the striking PflrtsQof Air Healey's was to tlie responsibility resting on the mod er parent in regard to the upbring ing of tlie children of today "You may notave it so much in Springfield but you have it to some extent anyway and we have it to an alarming degree in New Atty' Healey asserted may amaze you to learn from ono who spealjs with authority on the matter that 82 cent of all the crime in the great Queens county was last jjar commits 0teq by stripling) boys anil girls be tween tlie ages of 16 and 20 And in the of New A'ork 1 "per cent of all the felonies were charged to mere children vys and girls between tho of 16 and At another point he called attention to t've Harrison act and pleaded for strong measures with which to com lyyJthe menace of drugs Six out of fevCry' 10 of these juveniles haled ltie courts of New York arc victims of cocaine Protests Drug Evil then for murder the law conc'ded the speaker the In Co operation With Mrs Kelton Mrs Edson Winter Mrs Chas Pinney Stafford Springs 8 MILLER dne 7 a MATrHC Nearly a Hundred Dating About 9 1700 A to 1850 8 a 0 A Collection of Exceptional Interest and Instructive Value City 1 I I lJ LIST Il A I (3 A1 I I PS 1 1 I I 4 ft.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.