In Episode 7 of The Golf Supply Podcast, we sat down with channel good friend Joshua White to discuss his time as a professional golfer, his reasons for quitting, being signed with Nike and so much more!

Filmed at Leatherhead Golf Club!

you actually do look right that hat is that one recording Jake is this one recording then [ __ ] that one the whole set’s recording 100 million per is recording yeah yeah can you flip that one so we can see the screen just in case something does go wrong we can see what’s happening on it we can’t do it on that one they coming to like a it’s not an fx hi hello right we’ll see you soon then yeah Jak see you soon Jacob oh his camera’s here never leave yeah yep lovely yeah and action GS listeners welcome back to episode seven seven we got it wrong last time didn’t we we did see to put that asck of six on the podcast yes yes episode seven welcome by none other than Hua white have you heard in episode six I’ve never been called Posh that’s for sure you did said Hua he said posu oh actually and you did you are a man of your word because you phoned up in episode six and you said we’ll do it and and here you are in episode seven live and direct sorry sorry about that that that was um i’ had a few bevies by that yeah I thought you had I think answer I’ll bleep it again for the sake of this podcast but I think you answered the for hello face was the way that you answered that you spoke to me the way that I it that’s very true um but we are down at the wonderful lever head we have just filmed a video which I might have just formatted the SD card of on one of the camera angles of your lesson okay on the camcorder which was great news but wesy has been down here to get a lesson with none other than Joshua white himself um we’ll get into your coaching and all that sort of stuff a little bit later on in the podcast but firstly thanks to lead lehe head for having us nice little set we’ve got going on here yeah it’s nice man honestly this place is just so chilled it’s coming on loops and Bounds as when we here even like the golf course looking out on the golf course and like the pting green the practice facilities around there is looking a thousand times better 100% mate it’s really really getting there green ke has done a great job but just everyone here really just having that modern Golf Course where sort of everyone’s welcome like I bring my M and my little boy up here and runs around in the club house like he owns a place to be fair but you know sometimes you go to a golf club and it’s a bit like frowned upon no kids but everyone sort of looks after him and all the other kids as well and yeah good just do that right because you like whisper so just when you’re talking just have it right into when when I listened to it last time that you were shouting L I shall yeah yeah I shall it was annoying no that might not be his decibel level he’s a Marite character one thing we we start off Josh and I think say I like quite like doing as always starts off and he ask me Joshua how are you I don’t think as blokes we ask each other how we are just how are you are you good that was one of these is it no I I think You’ been drinking a lot recently no I just think it’s nice I think it’s nice to start like that do you not like when was the last time someone went how are you mate probably Josh a lot to be honest you trying to make me cry yeah well we could get emotional I’m good mate thank you very much busy spinning plates a lot of stuff going on but keeping them keeping them up and balancing so we’re all good mate thank you for asking well to us Josh you’re a great friend to those watching a lot of a lot of people will know you from just being in the golf space or from your own socials or filming with tubes and an coming on our Channel whe it might be for for those who don’t know who Joshua white is in a in a brief overlay who is Joshua white today like what is what are you in the golf space who are why are you on a golf podcast like who is Joshua white so you this could go one way or the other to be obviously I know who I am but going back to sort of why you say why am I here now was I was always known as growing up as Josh the golfer to be honest with you um at school whatever it was I was always that kid that was off school got to play golf or whatever it was so when I stopped playing golf competitively like fulltime like as in actually doing it for a living um obviously went into coaching and went into this side of the world as well I didn’t want to leave golf completely behind and it’s just sort of spiraled really with everyone that I’ve sort of met along the way um and obviously with a coach inside of it and it’s just pushed me into different angles and being who I am I like to push myself and ended up in a spot now where I’ve got a bit of a following I would like to say sort of on socials where I’ve tried to help people with their game um and then also going on to like channels like you said at the start doing other stuff fashion side of it uh as well in golf um but yeah and then also just still playing and being go out and play events on prams and exhibition stuff so bit of a mixture but still ended up in the golf space not how I thought I was going to end up in the golf space cuz you played at a high level which obviously we’ll touch on yeah um because I don’t even know like the actual so there’s there’s a lot of stuff I know about you from being your friend but there’s a lot of stuff that I also I know that you’ve done but I don’t know how you done it or or like the ins and outs of it which which I’m like genuinely intrigued to sort of find out about um I found loads about you yeah you’ve done some serious I I just thought to myself do you know what first step just Google Josh com coming back to the point I didn’t quite finish with Josh the golfer but really honestly deep down as you boys would really know I’m just a guy that just likes to have a laugh it’s the honest truth like I will work hard and when it’s business it’s business but with you boys as you know yeah just like to I’m got a lovely M at home getting married in September got a little boy that’s fre and a half you know it just that’s all it is really living outside of the golf yeah 100% so starting off Josh in early life then and we’ll sort of like we’ll we’ll rush through not rush through this go Josh the GOL for Life everyone I speak to um who is because obviously I I would like to say that the the area that you’re in or like you grew up and stuff is like it’s almost like the Hub of golf England I would say like just just because of the golf courses are here for those at home listening or watching don’t know where that is it’s like the s area around that area I would say Obviously up north you’ve got like places like Liverpool and stuff but certainly for us like in our neck of England if you’re a golfer sorry is the place to be yeah with regards to like just golf courses and just golf yeah people in this area and not blowing smoke up your ass but everyone I spoke to who like whether that be like Bullard or like whoever like people that live around this area it was like yourself and I can’t remember the other one were like the two boys when you were like coming up like like earning your craft playing so what when did you start playing golf and how did you get to wanting to turn pro like what what is that Journey how early did you want me to to start start from like when like well no you can start from like let us know how early it was cuz then like when we spoke to Aaron he said like when he he spoke about when he was like 12 and then he started to play County and stuff so earlier so I’ve got two older brothers one of them plays golf still plays now plays to a scratch handicap good golfer um and my dad as well got the bug when sort of my eldest brother that is 30 what was he now 36 was was born basically so we used to my dad used to get us out of the house on a Sunday to go and play golf like with my mom had us all week and he took us out to play golf CU he had the bug MH so my dad was obviously started to get decent got down to a full handicap and my brother was older than me so he was obviously better than me anyway being competitive as I am as you know I’m super competitive right so that was for me was just trying to hit it past them and beat them that’s how I really got into golf and then when I realized I was sort of all right like to actually start doing it how old were you when you first start going to play with your dad I would have been maybe six seven okay it’s not like mad young compared to some I was playing at the range before that but that actually going out on 18 Golf Course started on a n hole at Oaks Park and then my dad used to play a society at Oaks Park on a Sunday so he used to take us on a Sunday morning and I started playing at Society since I was seven eight years old playing with grown men that taught me I didn’t even play in a group with my dad and my brother I played with to me at the time with strangers obviously become friends but they taught me eut you know on did your dad push you to do that though like go and play with these like did he do purpose I’ve got a kid now right and I will get to a sun if I have a Sunday to myself I’m thinking you know what I mean I’ve been with them all I kind of want to just get out and as we all do right it’s just human but to think back and think my dad would actually go no I’m going to take my boys to golf like I respect that like fair play to him and he introduced us and he just knew I I was quite lucky that I sort of he taught me to get on with people and I think you’re right he knew that would be good for me so started to play with these these other guys that I learned around and before I knew it I really pushed myself and I actually won the Club Championship there when I think when I was 11 10 or 11 years old at Oaks Park where I started is that the 901 no on the 18th like four Men’s Club Championship good was you having lessons my I may had one or two at that point but my dad taught me all like pretty much the age of 11 what handicapp you oh manate you’re testing me here roughly I close to that probably 10 or 11 something like that so I might have been a little bit maybe I was 12 when I won it something like that because I was around I was single figure handicaps when I won it right okay but Oaks Park’s a it’s a public course like it’s not like there’s not elite players playing there it’s not like I’ve gone and won a Club Championship at Wentworth you know they’re still grown men the yeah some of them can still play golf yeah yeah so then when when it comes to the time me to joined my club where I grew up where I done all my stuff I was at uh chipsy golf club um and there was a guy there called Gary tber um who become my coach all the way up until basically I got into the European tour um and Gary was like a a bit of a father father figure to me like growing up he was the guy that gave me the bollins if I thought I was a mate I was a little [ __ ] growing up like co*cky little boy you know and I can’t see it see he told me to WR and Wrongs you know like growing up and he put me again into the midweek medals or medals or whatever it was the comps with people allowed me to play the club allowed me to play and then um I just grew up through that and then before I knew it I was playing for the men scratch team that chips did um doing well there Club Champs and so on from there we go back to Club Champs got a good story with that one and then um I I know that story playing county level like young age through boys started doing County and whatever else then I won the county Championship back to back I think I was still maybe the youngest to win the S amate at 17 won the S on the 16 and then that s am as a as a uh Junior and then England stuff IED playing England so I played boys home Internationals uh against France and then played men’s against France men’s home in yeah had training for GB and I actually had a shoulder injury was a bit annoying for St Andrews Trophy and then the following year was Ryder Cup but then I turned Ryder Cup I wish I was rder cup Walker cup um and then turned Pro after that what age was 19 turned Pro when I was 20 212 which is Young yeah still but now it doesn’t team it cuz you got all these Wonder boys coming through that are so good but yeah yeah it was quite young yeah but thing I regret the most I was so into England golf like I I got offered a ride full ride out in Florida for Florida State to go out and do that out there and I turned that down because I was so my whole thing was England golfing I want to play for England want to play for England to be honest with you man when I turned Pro I didn’t hear a thing from him ever since so I don’t know why I did but yeah that was one of my biggest regrets I think because my game so s suited to the us as well yeah long which should have you always been long uh yeah like long for your age when you was at that age you like you’ve always hit the ball what would be comparable to your age a long way compared to other people yeah 100% but best part of my game has always been my short game I’ve always a long way like keep it on the but I’ve also gone through bad times like when you’re lot hit it quite a way when you’ve got speed you got be yeah when you get speed it’s a bit off when it’s off it’s it’s off you know so it took me a while to like tame that in so I always had to have a good short game and it really built up but chips did was great for that because you can drive a lot of greens it’s tight and then you got to have a good short game to get up and down that really grew Me grew me up that but yeah that was what did you win winers an amate then you won obviously the S I won the S Amer twice I won a s under 16s won the west of England and I won the the bark trophy back to back as well okay um might be a few other bits in there can’t remember are they are they age of like 16 to when you turn pro from 16 to yeah all through yeah so I asked Aaron this when did you realize right cuz Aaron like when he started playing uh what did he say when he was County when he was like 13 or 14 he had a handicap of about 13 14 or something yeah it still like relatively High yeah yeah yeah when did you know that you were that guy as an amateur around here any way you’re just you’re just better than a lot of the other people you’re just good at golf when did that sink in well not just good at golf I think cuz there must be a realization as well where like you’re like I’m just a bit better yeah when I when I played it was s under 14s and it was at TS wood and I lost on a sixth playoff ho to Tom brry who was one of my best mates at the time absolute ledge and I knew then what it goes in handicap all day so it’s not a random draw so I remember going out in the last group so I knew I was like oh I’m one of the I’m top three player in s for my age so I thought s’s good like you saying and I’m thinking all right okay I’m top three in my age I keep going like this I’m going to be decent but like coming back to Gary to be fair to him he kept me level you know what I mean he was like he always and I remember it now to my head he always used to say to me when the Masters was on like I said I was like fancied myself co*cky little boy and he was like you would break 80 some round Masters and austa you would break 80 and I remember going straight out to the range trying to prove him wrong hit and balls but he knew what he was doing yeah just driving the whole time and that really did sort of even though I knew I was like good but I knew I had to always push myself to that next level so you turn pro turn pro yeah who is your coach your new coach when you turn pro and why did you leave that coach and join a new coach um so trying to think back so the reason I left Gary when I turned Pro was because I purely just out grew him M um not he learn I talk I learned so much from Gary fantastic coach always has been he’s never really gone out he coached Nick job who’s one been on tour for years senior player but he’s not a travel coach you know he’s just he’s a club pro he’s a good player himself played in the open qualified for the open um but I just I felt like I got maximum out of him and he gave me everything that he could it was just time for me was on tour I needed someone sort of every week that was sort of current to help me with that I still went back to Gary and asked him for his advice for certain bit so still did that so when I first changed I went to humar who was my County coach okay great coach he was brilliant for performance and um also technical as well taught me a few things but then um went to see Mike Walker who works under Pete C now he’s got his own he works with a lot of great players on tour so I learned a lot from Mike Walker gr Walker as well was our England uh coach as well uh he’s very good he was coaching Danny willot as well and the boys were like one the Masters and he help loads of boys going through um and then after that was then when I went to um rooming basically rooming with Zayn uh we was in Dubai and Z me and Z always see the swing quite similar so we said him did you know Z before I was say is that a random R I was in the buai I just I was pretty much turned Pro not long and I play started playing the Mina tour which was a tour out of Middle East North Africa and it was started in Dubai and I was looking for I was playing with Max Williams and he had to go home he wasn’t too well Max Williams is the other one who they say you were the two top yeah so and then he uh he had to go home wasn’t feeling too well so I was basically it’s very expensive to stay in hotels on your own I didn’t really know anyone there and zann was a local he was wot which is next to chipsy we kind of knew of each other I knew of Zan because he was like looked up to him because he was like 10 years older than me and he was there doing what I wanted to do so um yeah we int he introduced himself to me to be fair come up which was really nice of him and then we just got on like a house and Firs and he was very nice to put me into the couple that I’m still friend friends with called orell orell and Giorgio Italian couple that lived in Dubai and they put us up and he was like come and stay with us and then that was it really I must have spent six months of my life probably in that house just going back and forth when you turn pro the first tour you played on was the minur Min which doesn’t exist anymore it’s where does that come from it’s sort of on and off a little bit where does that like cuz for me as well like I do follow Golf and like when I say I was Googling you earli I see this I was on the p and green minute go call it the Menor heard why that choice where does it come like do you see what I mean when you as you see like you’ve had Euro Pro that’s gone you know they come and go these mini tours when they’re third level tours they they don’t really earn money they struggle to get sponsors who’s seeing them you know like it’s just it’s tough for them to stay up so at the time at the time it was like you’re playing eight to 10 events out in the Middle East in great weather or Morocco on good golf courses and you got somewhere to play and the hotels weren’t too bad then and they’re good hotels and you can stay quite local haven’t got a fly was a no-brainer yeah so you just go where you have to go to play that could have been anywhere yeah what they liked a certain amount of challenge to starts or something off off the back of that tour if you if you won the order of Merit you got to play in the Desert Classic okay which was good and then you also got to go to Asian uh Q School final stage right okay which is obviously did in 2014 you won didn’t you I did yeah won the won the uh won the old Merit out out in on the Mina tour yeah I had played really well won in Morocco early on in the year and then I finished with two second place finishes yeah which was nice I searched Joshua white and obviously I it come off loads of images mainly you out and Dubai I’m assuming did you have hair at that point here we go I was he still had the cap on he still had the cap on so I can only assume hair follicules were at a minimal yeah they were that was but um they were going there yeah no so I was just looking through and obviously I didn’t see that and there was a there was a few owners I was scrolling through and it come out with what you done there was there was quite a few that was like thousand here few thousand there there was like it must might have been that 2014 season but there was quite a few little at 23 that was as well wasn’t it like I did I did all right man don’t get me wrong yeah I did quite well I was I’m very very yeah I was lucky in a way that when going back to where when before I turned Pro and I joined the whizzle golf club so I had a basically had a car car turned right on a no right turn went through a red light please for went straight into me at the top of pearly way and Five Guys right ripped my car off got some conversation from it and I got seven Grand bang on the dot MH use that Whiplash career losses honest do my job but Josh you haven’t got you don’t work yeah but I’ve been even now I can’t practice anyway right that that was enough money to pay to rent a membership at the whizley and that was the best investment I’ve ever done yeah right just for one year mhm right so I had an unbelievable office to practice yes but going back to all the people that are sort of like I said my dad putting me with certain people to play golf with and whatever else that gave me i’ say like a set of skills really to go and network with certain people of a high worth and also lovely people as well to help me then build my client base and also funding funding sponsorship and then that got me into certain areas to G and play these tours so very lucky to go out there and do that in the first place but also you got to remember that you’re also a run for a business for them it doesn’t all come from nothing so you’re seeing a lot of checks there that I’ve obviously done quite a well in but you got to remember a lot of that is going back a percentage and mhm traveling and living so it looks pretty good but by the time it comes off it’s not really that just liable amounts in it just outgo outgoings of like playing professional golf is insane we’ve said it so many times the [ __ ] that come that come along with that I reck I reckon to go and play the European tour right now for a year it’s probably about 120 Grand yeah I’ve heard 150 they reckon to a full season there you go yeah yeah and then obviously when you’re on the PJ tour then a lot of the stuff is like just null and void at that point but like at least they changed that on the on the PJ tour now that you almost get paid for you can still get paid for like missing Cuts where they guarantee you a certain amount of money which is pretty decent but yeah it’s brutal otherwise that with regards to the wizzy I’ve got written down here I’m not going to say it out loud because I don’t know if you will or won’t talk about it but the people that funded you would you talk about who that potentially who them people were yes so I had uh a few there’s a few people that I won’t mention but um there’s a lot of people that that helped me out along the way obviously JT being one of them M John Terry for those at home was he a member at the Wizzle you know mate not just Financial like he obviously helped me out with a few bits and whatever else and I help coach his kids and stuff like that and they’re great friends like you know what I mean he’s unbelievable friend but with John it was more M that stuff’s invaluable we can’t put a price on that sort of stuff John is an unbelievable guy Elite athlete but smart mate and he the advice that he’d give me and he was still captain at that time captain country captain of the of Club Chelsea and you think of a leader and how strong that guy is mentally like that crossover in sports like if you’re struggling on the first team and know mate he would have something for you he will pull something out the bag of an experience or why do you think though Moscow missed that penalty yeah where was his drills then Josh yeah oh go sorry well sorry yeah but absolute ledge and he just yeah that was invaluable really put putting some of that stuff out there yeah like he some games you’ll go to the game and he literally took me in the changing room off feels to meet all the players and stuff like that and you’re going in there and was you a Chelsea fan yeah I’m a Chelsea fan oh he was yeah yeah yeah oh yeah still am was you when you first when you first went down to the wisley did you know these people were there no no so I first played how it first started with JT I was on the Range hitting some balls and he got he was hitting Balls next to me it was late evening like a sunny day and um oh sh that’s JT and um just kept hitting and he he literally was like mate it’s like you hit it really well like you could like introduced each other he was I’m going to go and play 9 you want to play I was like yes of course I want to play I started talking to him all the way around I shot eight under for the nine holes that I played with him I can literally remember good time to do it unbelievable to timing right and then that was it really and then he he was absolute Legend like every time he was up there you know we just do the same thing have some Lun and he just we just turned we become mates and we still are to this day so very lucky yeah and did he did he did he kind of know like because I think the like talking to Bullard and that like at one point you had like Molinari down there you had some like massive names when we was at the whizley we had Molinari I can’t even Ross fiser Ole Wilson James Heath Adam G Zane Scotland James Morrison um I’m got to be missing big names off of here Lucas bagard was there uh just loads it was just a tall Place honest it was unbelievable stand on the Range is just tour Pros unbelievable yeah but we’d also do Richard Bland we’ also do like rollups you put your money in I’m not joking it was much harder to win one of them of 12 players than it was to go and like play A Minor event of 120 players yeah yeah like you got to shoot s eight n under mate like otherwise you’re not winning it was proper good environment unbelievable also right you were young also with the whizley where it’s so pure it was hard to go and play a europro event somewhere in some [ __ ] hole and it’s hard like I know that sounds so bad no no we we we have it now it’s tough yeah since like having the channel and like being PR like more privileged and lucky like like me going to play New Zealand club with you or going to play Kum Hill or we was it’s not saying this to flex on anybody or anything but like we was at Wentworth on Monday like because you meet people in the space and there’s people are members here and you you know someone here and that and then like now like if if like the boys are ring me they’re like oh you want to go play like I won’t name a golf course and it’s like I’m like [ __ ] hell like not really it’s not hard score and play yeah and it’s because of the conditions as well like you want to be like once you start pting on bet you don’t want to be pting on [ __ ] it’s hard to go back it’s hard that’s I actually said to you after is like um I don’t even find like my putting is a weak point but like sometimes I think we’re just putting on [ __ ] greens sometimes before you knock yourself I know we do it buy a new club but sometimes playing these clubs it is just hard to play golf so like the ball like rolling across the green that’s partly why I said I I don’t know if you I said about it on J I put that um it was a real actually and a Tik Tok uper saying like you golf is harder than us golf I meant Florida I didn’t mean to generalize the whole thing but partly the reason of that is because just like the conditions that we playing and I was talking about public golf courses I wasn’t saying like let’s compare compare Pebble Beach to Raw St George’s it was just like for your average day golfer going to play on what they call municipal golf courses US public golf courses and I was more generalized towards the Florida area it’s harder in England because like one the conditions two I think is tighter three there’s more more chance of losing your ball with like long rough sort of stuff more water but more water yeah like the haard fa the fairways are also wider yeah so that but I think that plays into that is like the condition of not all because there’s some fantastic public golf courses out there but like straying away from that point it is more difficult and especially if you’re playing on a tournament level like that’s why Aaron W played Alps tour he’s not done stuff in the UK because they’re playing on better golf courses he can play better on better golf courses the greens are better the weather’s better and you aren’t doing a with no offense to clutcher anything you’ve had like four rain delays in the last three days in the middle of May and then you’re playing in in pissing wet conditions around the it’s brutal I respect everyone that’s they’re do but yeah it’s not it’s not easy at all it’s difficult you’re um you’re at this point you’re like 21 22 before you so just when you head to the desert to compete yeah is it before or is it during that you get that first sponsorship that I would absolutely love just before you find out what sponsor Wy is talking about a quick ad roll for our boys over at maners golf yes we are brand ambassadors for them we wear all of their Clover all of the time but we also get a lot of messages from ulot at home asking if we have a discount code and the answer is yes if you use code golf supply 15 that is g o l f s u p p l y 15 you will get 15% off of the whole website that is not a onetime code like I’ve said before that is for use over and over again and it is sitewise sell items new items everything on their website if you use our code gold Supply 15 you will get 15% off head over to maners you can check all their website out get yourself some bits support the boys and let’s get back to the podcast Nike how how how did it come about when who I was I was Nike all the way through that okay so Nike from England sorry I’m sorry yeah so humar to be fair to him he was unbelievable coach for us as a county M honestly i’ I actually preferred playing for the county than I did the country really cuz we were just such a team and we drove us and we turned up we were Nike we felt unbelievable we won the county finals in the final match we literally won we won every single game every for game and every singles game it was unbelievable like 9 N in the final we were just we were the boys mate when we were in in the county oh mate come on only just only just better come on who are the who are the top just before you go into that and like n and stuff who were the top counties in England for golf who were like the top give you like the top five Yorkshire and S they’re the top two yeah I would say Yorkshire and S yeah yeah give me the top five no what what was another three that would maybe creep in there they’ be there or thereabouts uh well it doesn’t [ __ ] matter anyway the top two anyway the whole Sor boys you were all niked up yeah so the team was but there was a couple of players that Hugh would put forward if he like if he saw that there was a couple of players that were doing well he put us forward and have Robin Murray was a head guy he used to do the tour as well and then they took you took you under your belt base they gave you whatever you needed yeah mate it was unbelievable what what do you mean as in like there’s a website pick clubs they would send you drops of clothes and whatever else but when after all this happened happened on the Mina tour um and then I went to tour school after that so I started literally started at first stage all the way through to final stage and then if you make the cut at final stage that gives you status straight away a card full card onto the challenge tour so part of the thing was as soon as you got your card on challenge tour that was when you become a contracted athlete you’re not just gifted stuff or right okay whatever else so I made the cup at final stage and then for me at the time it was like right I got my challenge to a card and that guaranteed me a contract with Nike yeah to become a contracted athlete ended up missing my card by like I think it was one shot which still gave me like status onto the European tour so I sort of played like half and half for a bit and obviously I did right in a couple of events that got me into some more events on the European tour but the um soon as I got that that was that was Mega so that was a nice contract and you if they flew me out to the oven it was called the oven in Texas which is where all the clubs get made and there was their big Factory and whatever else and his story with that is it’s probably one of the most nervous times I’ve ever been and it was strange so I turn up had like a convertible Mustang I was like right I’ve just got this contract America so Nike have flown you to America yeah yeah so like go go out there yeah go to get all my clubs fitted for the start of the year to make sure all my bags perfect right you got out there alone as well I was out there alone yeah I went on my own I practiced at another club that was local for a week um and then went there as well so I was went in walked in and a woman on the front desk was like hi blah blah blah and I was like yeah Josh White and I thought I was going to go in there and there was going to be a sign welcome Josh White new Nike athlete and there Josh to the team right and she was like yeah and I was like y Josh White all right okay if you just sit down be you in a minute whatever I sat there for like 15 20 minutes I think what is going on there all right and the guy just popped out with his coffee and was like yeah I’ll be with you in a minute mate if you just want to meet us up here and walking through and you got Rory here and tiger there and all these trophies this place unbelievable you had to put your phone in some you couldn’t take your phone with you so you or sign something you couldn’t say because it were making all the clubs and the testing and stuff go out to the range no one there just some balls got my clubs and then I was like they would said just wait don’t hit any balls sort of like just yet because um certain balls we can’t can’t use them because we only got a certain amount so I’m just standing there one guy comes out another guy comes out before I know it I’ve literally got like 50 people behind me and I’m thinking what is going on literally not even in a shot yet and um the guy comes out introduces the fitter I can’t remember his name to be fair absolutely nice guy like oh yeah blah blah blah I’m going to do you fit in today okay good he like right tell me about your game so i’ let all these people down think what is going on what the [ __ ] is this and I’m like uh like I said earlier to you boys I was like I’m good good like uh short game all that sort of stuff’s fine like my putting was all right at the time my iron plays good I was like with my driver I just miss it left I’ve just got this left missing me and he goes all right okay a couple of wedges to get warmed up literally at two wedges all right go on then get your driver out and he went oh by the way I should introduce you to you so behind us here we’ve got the people that make the driver people that make the iron people that make the wedges people that make the ball got the new trap man just come out they’re doing a thing Tiger’s got a fit in going in at jupitar and they’re like testing it out want to see how we do everything and these balls we’ve only got this amount we’re the only ones we’ve made and you can’t lose them and up there on the range at 270 on the left side there’s a pond and then there’s people playing on the right I’m going what the and they’re the conditions literally over to you and I literally hit some drives and I hit a couple left right I I did hit a couple left but I hit some all right ones as well and tweaked the driver and then I was like d was it was the blue one Sasquatch no it wer a square one no it was a blue it was the blue one the vapor yeah it was a vapor with the blue with a black face and the lime and um and then I got it sorted and then went through some irons and it was all good it was fine but I was the guy when we finished he went oh we did the putting as well Mike Taylor’s unbelievable wedges I was golf now took all the stuff okay he was him done all the wedges and I’ve still got them now they’re pure but anyway so finished the fitting and the guy went to me all right then Josh put his arm around me went let’s go and have some lunch he says I want to drive that Mustang as well so he got in the Mustang took us to lunch just me and him and we sat down he went joshu a good lady but how did you feel back there I was like mate what was that all about I felt proper nervous like bad he went good he went because now you know when you’re under pressure that driver ain’t going to go left and I was just Legend wow Legend fair play I was that that’s pretty special that and then when I got back there it was like welcome Josh White new Nike athlete it was all done and they showed me round and showed me everything and they were good as gold but it was like a play and that’s that’s Nike to a team they do everything to the Limit and to the best you call it Nike now because you you’ve you’re like in tune with the American side of the company yeah yeah well they were the things you had to say like you were you’re a Nike athlete Nike athlete that’s exactly they you had to say certain things on socials you call it n yeah Nike n yeah yeah but that that’s class that’s like I’ve always said that just be just because if I could pick one cloth wear just because you can have in golf out golf daily leure G their contracts were so good sometimes I’ll go and play like a Mina Tour event yeah but the contracts with them the bonuses were done through world ranking points yeah so if you got a world ranking point it was worth a certain amount of money so sometimes if I won an actual Mina Tour event it was worth more than I would get more bonuses from Nike than I would from the actual winning the event so good surely at that time as well they weren’t sponsoring loads of people no but it was good thing with Nike at the time was it was it was everything yes it was everything when I went in the gym I had you had a thing a website called Nike Elite M so you would go in you put your details in and you got an allowance to spend a year and me you do well to go through it all the gym stuff like Jordans Nike IDs like everything I didn’t even if I was going out to a club mate I was in Nike you know like I I was it was everything yeah and the drops of the seasons the lot loved it I’ve literally still got some weightlifting shoes in my car right now from Nike and one of the drops I love seeing on um I don’t know if do you use Tik Tok do you have the app I have got it and I have started to do a c but I’m not do you see Fen misses always puts his major outfits up the Nike send out so Tony feno’s wife yeah she has her own Tik Tok I can’t remember what her name is um but she’ll whenever there’s a major coming up Nike will send out like the four scripted outfits but then and then she’ll like as the order Cut like as his like package comes in she’ll show like what his six hat options are his clothing what shoes he’s going to wear what this and that and she like gets them out the bag and stuff and it’s like I just think it’s cool watching that type of [ __ ] like it’s cool as they’re very very good but I’ve got to say now they fall him back I I honestly don’t think that they’re going to Jordan’s taken over he’s a basketball player but he’s taken over right even tiger he took over tiger in the golfing space tiger didn’t like it that’s why he weared started wearing foot Joys because that’s what it is 100% he wasn’t happy wasn’t happy with that Jordan was making gol shoes in golf I’ve never ever looked in from that angle ever and I suppose Nike have actually considered it golf wise so like golf clo is fine they’ve got still big boys Scotty Brooks Rory but like I suppose Footwear wise don’t actually do a classic anymore do they no no but it’s like what he likes to right but if I said this to you you look at Jordan if I don’t seen a documentary of him with like the last he loved his clothing he his fashion doesn’t he he absolutely loves him M you look at Tiger he looks cool when he turns up in his vest his hat back to front Giza can’t dress mate no no he can’t and he does look good on the golf course with certain B simplistic look though isn’t he yeah 100% but but he he put some fits together back in the day but I think he just but they were they’re now fits but he probably weren’t a fit at the time that he was wearing it but now it is do you know what I mean yeah it just happened but I don’t know I just feel like they’ve sort of missed the boat a little bit there isn’t smart KN we all we unless they don’t care they just want out they all wear trainer n shoes now don’t they books and all that wear like reacts and that they don’t wear like com but that’s why tiger that Jordan sort of taking over tiger in the fashion role with Nike because he basically he had it down he makes a lot of people buying I know like there was some signat had like quite a few signature shoes and stuff but do you think loads of people were buying TW gear or was it was that big in America I think it was big in the States was it yeah lot people still wear shoes don’t they they still wear them white te remember a time tww being big in England people buying like TW St it was the elite stuff but yeah I remember when I don’t know if if it was true but I remember someone saying to me might as well say it anyway um that Nike earned more money in socks alone than Taylor M did in golf that that doesn’t surprise me no that’s probably true that probably is true everybody’s in a white KN so really they why why they tried to be number one didn’t I remember I was literally the guy called me I was playing a challenge door event night before and he went Josh we’re not making clubs anymore and that was it and it was like wow I’ve been Nike for like years years and years and I was like right okay and but it was kind of nice it still was there any murmur of it before you got that call H no one knew no one cuz I remember I I lock they had a lock in at Nike headquarters before before everyone went out cuz otherwise people could bet and do like the market changed that much it would change but they locked everyone in got them all before the deal went through saying they were stopping it before the news went out cuz I can remember I can remember the decision being made but I weren’t like I was playing golf but I weren’t like serious about I didn’t really care like for golf that much it’s more football but yeah that was Nike yeah yeah unbelievable so good so good in 2014 when you had that good year in the is it Mina yeah men well I said it men earlier yes you have actually you set a course record as well didn’t you nine under does that still stand you know Alain and actually question who you who the course record before you I don’t know go on I love I love this let him guess let him guess let him guess no you do know you must know so you shot 62 you shot 62 900 course record at the time was your PB it says maybe official PB yeah and the person before you held the course record of that and the Mina course tour record but Zane used to play all the time I’m guessing it’s him Z was took the course record and the Mina tour PB you spoke about that with Zay no I can’t talk about I’ll tell you why when I shot 9 under in that first round okay I think I finished maybe 15 for the tournament but so did zann and then Zay beat me on the first playoff all so it’s irrelevant oh yeah Fair one yeah it’s irrelevant love that you shot 900 on the first day and finished 15th 15 tournament I think oh I you said that was a [ __ ] blow up yeah I think it was 15 for the tournament but yeah he beat me on the playoff is last round I was so nervous in the last round and it was windy are they free day fre dayy yeah last the last round was so windy and Zayn’s so good in the wind the wind yeah he just puts so well like it just doesn’t matter if it’s windy or not and I was nervous when it’s windy as well it’s the last thing you want when you’re lead don’t talk to me about planning the [ __ ] win buddy I’m I’m all right don’t get me wrong like I managed to get it round and like one on the par M you know what I mean I had like a four shot lead yeah and Zan shot five under in this win he just like what you do and then he just B it I always say to him still to this day and you would know if you say to him who says you’re the best Danel pter in the world he’s probably one of the best pters in the world anyway I’ve heard that a few people said that said that as well spoke to Zay about he he’s never practiced his p no he just knows what he’s doing mate honestly he’s a joke joke butter and he had this like 15 20 footer downhill left to right in the wind and I was just like you don’t we just no yeah think this this going in this and was you already p with him by that point you in a playoff but no was you already p with him was you already close mate we were rooming we’re driving home together yeah we’re driving home together in the car and what was you like after was you quiet in the car was you like you [ __ ] yeah oh the deep down I was [ __ ] but at the same time it was like for me to be in a playoff with Zane just turn pro it was like it was cool and then the next week I come second again the other kid played really well Lee orfield but I won the order of Merit it was like I’ve won Merit I’m top of the tree of like overall so it was like it was a nice mixture it was good it funny like with the do you think as a coach because I’ve got some coaching questions on here that like just to quickly touch on like as we go through just to get your opinions on some stuff but just on the topic of putting is he more of it in your Ed than it his technique you could say that about anything could you I think I think putting specifically in the game of golf well it should be the thing that’s the easiest isn’t it it has to like you go to Crazy Golf like a beginner comp put yes you know so you feel like you should hold pretty much everything but going back to earlier like people say fast greens are the hardest to PN but for a better putter they not your Strokes shorter shokes F slower so you got more control of face face control you know you haven’t got hit theart as hard yeah you know what I’d agree with that so it’s like when you think about it it’s like you should have more control over it so when they don’t go in you’re a bit like and you say all the time you said it when we play went with the other day didn’t you with regards to like us putting and stuff like because you’re you’re in a really good vein of form block we call it your brain tree vein of form block but off camera when we was a member at brain Tree Golf Club Wesley went through like this actually it was actually really weird stage like 10 Rounds just holding everything holding [ __ ] just the thing is at that point I wouldn’t have had a mind I would I would known what I was doing I would have just been putting you’re in the zone I do think it’s a bit of Law of Attraction once you can see it and you see the lines and you know where it’s going you got your stroke under control you got good feel of depth and you start to match your line and Pace up and you seen see a couple go in then you just get in a run you don’t think your your brain don’t think of don’t want a freeart better not hit this too hard don’t want to leave this one short all you’re thinking about is green light you’re seeing it going in and do you think on in your personal opinion I’m going to go into a couple of like coaching questions here in a sec um in your personal opinion do you think it’s better to line up the golf ball or not when putting depends on the person dep some people so you can go for a fit and some people don’t have a line on their Putter and they aim better without a line some people line it up better how is that even possible to aim better without a line because your perception of your eyes tiger hooks his putts tiger aims right and hooks him online so if he has a line on his Putter and he realize don’t know if he does or he don’t actually to be honest with you but if he’s aiming right he’ll go oh [ __ ] I’m aiming right you know I mean some people just line straight edge up better this way if you’re looking down they line the straight edge up to the Target instead of the back being like that aiming up like a fin does that make sense yeah cuz I like the idea different bits some people um different necks aim it different yeah you know there’s all sorts like that there’s so many you can go for one of the best things is a poter fitting and they tell you all that stuff yeah yeah it’s clever perception of eyes I do think you’re like 80% of it’s mental though right rather than technique I really do like I think like you can like if you’re if you believe if you like you said if you read that part and you hold like obviously you’re going to read stuff wrong you’re never going to hold every single part but if you’re standing over every three footer 4 footer five footer and you’re like 100% trus in what you’re about to do one thing I would say to you I agree it very much is mentally but where does the bad mental thoughts start from missing parts Miss part Technic yeah yeah cuz you can’t get it good so it’s a technical so I would agree I agree with you it can end up 80% mental but it 100% stems from something that was technically wrong in the first place yeah just cuz there’s a few coaching questions we probably have gotten because it’s very interesting that just quickly in two minutes round off so we’re at 2014 now you’ve won the order of Merit just quickly take us through the next couple of years in your own words like why you stopped playing where did you go from 2014 you go mean tour to challenge tour that’s me tour to challenge tour did okay on there and obviously got my card got me into a few events obviously on the European tour started right on challenge tour was doing well and then I got over to Morocco uh on the European tour and then I came eighth I think out there so which was like my biggest that’s my biggest like what course was it um oh was it in maresh yeah oh no Royal mares yeah El Salam El Salam elait El Salam no but no no because our favorite course out there is Ela is it yeah yeah but mamed I think it might have b anyway um e yeah I I got the lead I think it was maybe 32k something like that was you buzzing your tit* off well M I had Marius the next week and I took Kate my Miss out there and we both got food poisoning but I pay for a flight play for a massive like thing in maius M I’ve done so much of that though is humaning but no no it was all right it was pretty good don’t get me wrong when you’re doing well like that it was all right it might been more than that I can’t remember what’s the mental quickly in that when you’re when you’re planning the europea Tour event you obviously make the cut comfortably if you’re finishing eighth yeah I know I know I know it’s funny right so when you watch TV and you you watch the golf on TV and you see the guys afterwards and they’re leading and they have an interview that for me was like I wanted to see myself do that M that was the most sort of nervous and the most sort of like emotional that I was when after I was leading sort of come in had a good round after the third round was panor group going out playing with he was leading off the fre Chris I was leading sort of halfway through the third round right okay and then I think I finished one behind I was like one behind going into the last round MH and um I was playing with Christian basen who and um I played with him in the Scottish PR did you really nice guy yeah very story and then um I had an interview afterwards and uh was the bit where I just sort of thought in my head I was like I’ve made it yeah I’m on Sky Sports and I’m doing an interview and I did the funniest interview ever cuz I started the last few hour was hitting my ball off flying we’ll find a video somewhere I’ll send it to you because you can put it on yeah put it on and um they were like so what are you going to do and I was like well I was a bit like M today you know I was in the jungle with my driver in the jungle so I’m going to go to the range and try and straighten that up and I’ll be all good tomorrow and they’re like afterwards I was like what and I was I’ll just s happy to be here you know I’ve bet all my Years playing I’m so happy to be here and thanks that Jos no I’m not done I’m not done honestly St St honestly I’ll send you the L honestly it’s brilliant please get me that cuz I’ll put it in I will I will I literally go yeah I was a bit like mowgly the lady be on the camera as well like some theam they going cut cut the feet off and Josh is like here basically you know you know what it’s like didn’t you when you go down your local but yeah no and it so sev’s old caddy on the bag as well that’s not with us anymore actually but so I was Lally walking down the first so to told my caddy wasn’t well and he was on the pting green his player wasn’t well so it was like we did a deal can you Cy for me this week Pedro his name is Pai Pedro walking down the first hole I used to have a course planner I used to box where I wanted to go in a green pen and box where I didn’t want to go in a red pen walking down the first and he SE me do the green bit and he’s like all right yeah it’s good get red bit there’s like trees on the left don’t go in there it’s dead gets the he goes what you use a RI in I say I swear I don’t like want to go go all right okay let’s have a look at that takes it off me throws it straight away over there in the trees I love and I’m like what the I’m like man I’ve just negotiated to pay you like you’re working for me this week sort of thing like not like I’m looking in that way but he’s um and he goes I was like what you what you doing he goes Josh Josh he’s like you you worry about where you want to go right we’re working out and he goes I’ll worry about where you don’t want to go best CAD Al yeah absolute Legend all week like you go if something was slightly off he go Joshy Joshy slowly slowly catchy the monkey and then you get back to your room that night and you’re like give me every [ __ ] red pen in this room there your red pen is Josh [ __ ] the red pens I’m not into him anymore you still use no red pens no red pens but mate he was brilliant and it was sei’s um birthday on the Saturday I think it was and um that was part of the interview actually that was in there and I had a plug line you know at the end of the week on on they do on European tourn like best shots of the week and it was one of them a plug l in a bunker and he he looked at me for the shot and he went Josh se’s watching make him proud like that and it was the best shot the literally nearly hold it out of this plug live 30 yard bunk shot was Unreal couldn’t afford not in the I looked off I just went yeah that one was for sey mate cuz he was like a bit emotional on the day because he would been with me so many years and yeah that was uh that was pretty special moments so yeah so on that Sunday you’re you’re one shot behind yeah one shot behind I played pretty I went out and M it’s a tough course tight long small greens proper like tough course and it was raining on the last day I went out in like one over which I wasn’t too bad Robert Rock was on a bit of a heat he was doing well and then I think I was like three two behind two or one behind going into the bat nine and there’s a island green on 11 or 10 par three and I made a birdie so I was like oh back in here I was on it and then I I was a bit nervous coming in as you as you would be right first time I’ve been in contention and then i’ had a couple of boies coming in it was still a decent score like finishing in the last round and then it put me into eigh eighth position but yeah it was unbelievable when you woke up on that Sunday are you looking at like [ __ ] me if I get top 10 or I get top five if you’re in that position what what it was paying out or you thinking I want to win I just want to win do you know what when I look back at it I just didn’t want to [ __ ] up M that is all I thought to myself I was like I didn’t feel I felt nervous at that point but even I remember looking back on the first te and stuff like that and no I I wasn’t I wasn’t that nervous I I was just I everything in my career up until that point was like that was coming I was meant to be there that was what everything was for it wasn’t abnormal to be there I’d practice with the boys like at the whizzy I’ve been there I’ve beat them for me it wasn’t wasn’t uncomfortable it wasn’t like I was like oh I shouldn’t be it you know what I mean but when I got into it when it become a reality of like I could win this and you start thinking as you then it was a bit like I got I just don’t want to [ __ ] up the same thing as if you want it you’d have had like full European yeah you’re off yeah you’re off yeah you’re off that’s just a a Winner’s athlete mentality though because I was watching um full swing season two the other day and that Alex fckpatrick said literally word for word what you said then blah blah blah living in the shadow and then when he done it right in the open he was like I’m not I’m not like Star Struck he’s like I I don’t see these boys as big anymore I’m meant to be here like just pretty much similar to what you said there once you know and you’ve got that winnner mentality and you you back yourself because you know in your body what your body can do of a golf club you’re not thinking yeah if I just hang get top 10 you’re thinking I don’t give a [ __ ] about the rest of you I can beat you all on my day so 100% sick 100% yeah it’s like it’s like in like there’s no there’s no like inferior complex with like people who are like Elite athletes and even if they’re not they’re not known at that point like you had it obviously but like they have the ultimate belief that when they go and stand on that to like yeah we don’t know this [ __ ] but you’ll [ __ ] know me eventually like I can beat all of you on my day on my day yeah 100% 100% and I kind of had like I had the respect from the players as well like you know they knew that I was that I could play you know like like I said from the wizzy and the boys like they knew so it wasn’t like I had to prove myself to anyone but yeah and then after that for me was I had a I basically got a an injury in my L5 in my back so as you boys know I hit the ball hard right I used to hit the ball really hard never used to I used to gym but I never used to gym in a clever way function I didn’t quite understand the body how the body moved and stuff like that and I had used to have a bit of an arch in my back or it’s called an anterior tilt now so it goes that way so your pelvis goes that way and then I was trying to really rotate on that spot with a lot of talk whilst your spine’s in this position position which isn’t good so woke up one morning at a tournament I literally couldn’t feel my legs I was like I don’t even know what was going on there really really weird so come back and then one of the members of the whizley said to me go and have an x-ray on your lower back and I was like man I’ve got no injury in my my back’s fine back feels fine like my legs are like my so ass down the front and I was thinking I literally couldn’t play it was really weird so I said all right okay I can’t do it and I had a clear break in my L5 and when that is connected to your S1 nerves that go straight down your legs which was like made complete sense so take a year out of rehab learn a lot about the body which really made an imp in my coaching later on because I learned how the body moved and certain bits um so yeah so I had a year out and then when I went back I had to then work again for sponsors to get back out there um and it was hard because my category wasn’t good enough to stay on the European so I was a bit back down on challenge T and messing about on a few bits and after being home for a year like I said early on I was always the golfer I’d always gone like that mhm and then to get knocked back down and then you you’re at home and I’ve got you I was traveling playing amateur events around the world like a pro M as them playing as a pro and then I was at home for a whole year I got to see my misses I got to see my mom and dad got to see my friends all of a sudden I wasn’t Josh the golfer you know what I mean I was so and I enjoyed it yeah massively and like I really enjoyed it but I still had a point to prove to go back out and I did and I got the sponsors but the difference was it honestly made me a bit soft you get used to staying in hotels you get used to staying in hotels and flights I’ve seen a lot of things around the world and more now I’ve seen a lot of things around the world that people haven’t seen golf courses and certain hotels right but I’ve haven’t seen a lot of things that people have seen Eiffel Tower yeah that sort of stuff yeah yeah that makes sense so I was like yeah it may kind of M you got to be just on it your brain has to be on it 100% you don’t care about the hotel cuz you’re thinking about the golf course you’re thinking about what you want to do and I started to think after having that year off I had thoughts of like I want to do do I want to do that I don’t know if I want to go on practice I going to do that and I don’t know what I just got I lost a little bit of fire from it and the other thing what made me soft was you got to be ruthless with even though you got sponsors you’re still playing for you MH right but there was a lot of people that become friends over that year that I was at home and you started I started trying to play well for other people and I really struggled to play well for me CU I felt like I didn’t care as much anymore and I remember I was playing a europro event at Wen there’s a half five round to the left I bombed it over the trees 300 something yards I had four iron onto the greens six feet and I rolled in the P for eagle and I didn’t give a [ __ ] I didn’t have any feeling for it wasn’t buzzing nothing at all and then that was my mom and dad was watching and my D even my dad knew at the time he was like what’s what’s up what’s the matter and I was like I’m not enjoying it don’t do it anymore and that’s when I stopped playing boys less of an ad roll and a quick reminder shockingly over 70% of the people that watch our YouTube channel are not subscribed now subscriptions help the channel massively it means that we can continue to make hopefully great content that you enjoy at home whether that be the podcast or our course Vlogs if you just head over to our golf supply YouTube page you’ll see the subscription button underneath our name and to the right of our logo when you click that button it will come up with a little bell icon to the left if you click that Bell icon and press all you’ll be notified every single time we release a new golf video we hope you’re enjoying this podcast but as a friendly reminder please subscribe if you have not already it really helps the channel thanks a lot how old was you then that was I think I was maybe 2 6 2 yeah 26 20 yeah 26 I think I was you probably had like a playing career of like with with with the injury included of about five to six years as a pro yeah which is mad really but I’ve still played events since then a lot of events where I go and won some events as well W yeah of course yeah won some bit I say of course of course but yeah have done done all right yeah so I still do you regret any of that decision or not like I said I only regret going but not going to that college in the US well do do do you wish then not not regret but like do you wish that cuz you can’t decide the fire is the fire that like everybody has the fire whether it’s about working in Sint and wake up next day I don’t know what I’m saying it’s true though like once you lose the fire in your body but do you wish that you hadn’t obviously lost there’s still times now like listen M it took me into an unbelievable place where I am now I’m very very lucky and I’ve got a lovely lifestyle what I do but I still watch and I still think with my little boy if I could come off an 18th green and he be there and be on TV and win an event the other thing is I know I can do it yeah I honestly I honestly believe right now if you put me on the PGA tour and I know this going to sound no you said to me right before before you answer that you said to me and this you might not even remember saying it but oh it has stuck with me because like don’t get me wrong like we’re we we me personally it’s only been the last two three years where I’ve been in and around Elite level golfers yeah golfers just it’s more of a qu you can say qu unquote job but it’s my passion like now and has been for like the last three four years like I’m [ __ ] obsessed but my golf before them was always just playing with mates you could put me on a [ __ ] the sh*ttest golf course in the world and that I just playing with Pals I had no care for it like it was just a social aspect and like I enjoyed the sport but like over the last certainly since the golf suppli has been going like I’ve been around Elite golfers like yourself and like just loads of people like players on the clutch talk whatever it might be yeah and you said to me remember I don’t I don’t know how long ago it was but and let me know if you remember saying this I said something about playing somewhere have you played with Thomas Peters a couple of holes in a practice round yeah we were talking and I said something about playing against Thomas Peters and this is like where Thomas Peters had just won a few things this is like probably two three years ago like he’ won a few few bits CH and you was like I’d play him for anything like and I’d back myself to beat him and I was like but that’s but that’s because you like you are you you’re not now because you’re not playing on like the European tour or if he’s got some PJ tour States or whatever it is but like you know what you can do in your game yeah like and that for me like I would like you know I’m trying to get with that it’s like it’s Thomas Peters is like ride a cut player like this and that like you were dead pan dead serious and you was like I was like yeah but if you play th Peters you’d [ __ ] I can’t remember what I said I can’t you was I he probably he could do a few times but then I could also do it to him yeah this is what I mean yeah like not saying I’m going to beat him every time professional sport is just finding how to be consistent though isn’t it cuz all of you [ __ ] not all of them but like a lot of you that have the niche like we always say with Ron I love Ron to bit and he’s so good at golf so if you picked him up and put him in the right place and give him his 100% tuned into his 100% form he’d go and win money and like yourself if you picked you up put you on the PJ tour in your Heyday and said your body is now going to play 100% for this whole year you’d make money it’s just trying to find what I was going to say honestly if you put me on the PJ tour right now put me Middle with a PJ body at 100% yeah I honestly believe that I could be competitive easy keep my card I hly think I could do that yeah it’s just trying to keep that do I want to do the journey to get there to start the bot to get there yeah how nice would it be if you could just get dropped on the PJ tour but that’s what they say though or the live or still bit doging and he’s an entertaining guy yeah no but is true like we um cuz I always think to myself like you saying B like think how many more people there that might be in the world that are quicker than him but you’ll never see them because they lose that dog and they stopped running but how do we know that all these people that stopped playing golf yourself included could have been household names but because you just never could keep it at that level and and that’s or you couldn’t keep that dog in but that’s what I mean I’m not there it’s easy it’s easy for me to say that is it it’s easy for me to say yeah I’ll be on a PJ tour I’m not I’m here but yeah but you yeah which is where else would you me so it’s easy for me to say I’m good enough but yeah is it because I weren’t good enough or is it because I just lost if would I have lost the bug if I was winning all the time I just think I think a lot of it is who knows you probably you probably are and could be better than some of the players in some high level tours but they just managed to keep that mindset that’s all it is and and then they went on to different and better things like there’s probably Bloks out there if you played in 10 matches you’d win six or seven of them and as well it’s like gok’s one of them Sports and like how you make it to the top top is like long it’s long but like it’s like you do need a bit of luck in there like you need to like you need to like play cuz there’s no Rhyme or Reason to it like we don’t know no I don’t you can know the answerers no one knows why you I could go and play lhe head today before this podcast we didn’t and I could go shoot four under then I could wake up come over here the next morning do exactly the same thing and shoot [ __ ] four over but are you prepping in a consistent way no but I mean if we’ done the same thing but practiced every if you had the practice structure you went to like you done worked on your body you went and saw someone you like you have a proper practice structure in place you train properly you know like and you did it consistently and you knew what you were working on in your game you did it every single time the same thing would your would your golf be more consistent yeah more guess it would be more consistent but what I’m saying is but you don’t we ain’t got time to do that in a minute get I’m saying will win a major and then miss a cut and what I’m saying is just like you so say like different levels there’s different levels yeah but what like golf is a bit different in the fact of like with football if you’ve got the talent if you work hard got players to back you up you can have a bad day you get you can hide you can hide yeah yeah but I’m what what I was trying to get out with golf is like say that European Tour event yeah that like if you just that last day that you go out if you just played a little bit better yeah and win but like you can and win then everything changes like you can you can play events or get you can get sponsor invites but then that’s ifs and butts you can’t live off if ifs and buts can you no everyone do that that’s true which you’re you’re saying there about um routine and tips and stuff and whatever so I I had something written down and like moving it along how how would you say how is it best to be a good coach so obviously you coach now you’ve moved on to coaching yeah so and there’s probably some aspiring coaches and people that want to coaching the coach how do you believe when you wake up and coach people how how are you like not how are you a good coach but your blint be a good coach you know what he could come you could like we did earlier right we did that little session you know I can if I want to I can talk quite Technical and get into it but really deep down like I said from the start I’m very good with people you know like I can I’m quite good at judging people and knowing what they’re like and what they’re good like and what they’re not so good at still so for me it’s it’s working that what’s in front of you first yeah work out what the person what they’re capable of what they can do and then you add the sprinkles on top of that some like technical touches but the other thing is is not having being strict of what just one like this is how we s this is how we coach this is it I like having a model in my head of what I like but you get try and get people as close to that model as possible in a certain way but some people are not going to like you still will match them up you know with certain bits but for me like I said we went through the coaches earlier I’ve I’ve had some of the best coaches at Phil Kenan who’s now um Sheffer Roy top boys caddies yeah all of these boys they’re caddies caddies coaches and ping coaches I’ve spent time and weeks with these people learned so much stuff of all the best coaches in the world I’ve learned something and every single thing I’ve learned from these people Zan Billy people we got here at a coach that coaches at the Academy and I put that all into my experiences that I’ve learn my theories of playing and put that all Under One Roof you know what I mean that is how then I would use skills from all them different areas to then put into that person who I that I have in front of me that I feel is best suited to them I actually saw an element of that earlier because we’re obviously similar but very different at the same time me and Ash and then there was one thing you done which he didn’t actually realize but like we clocked on that so we had our lesson you going through things with me and then we were mucking around Ash was having a got a slightly weaker grip and whatnot kept shanking it kept shanking it kept shanking it and then you went to be fair Square in the face comes off the technical ability though doesn’t it and what happened to that shot after Ash cuz that’s how Ash is wired up once you said that little that little thing there Ash body as’s body now will not allow him to shank that no matter how hard he’s trying as soon as you say that to someone like Ash and yeah no I saw that earlier that’s kind of cool you say that in the people in they but you still need to have you know I’ve also gone and done courses and stuff like that to keep furthering it because the game’s modern you could look at some old school videos of some coaches that are brilliant now but they’ll say a complete opposite thing what they said 10 years ago in a video yeah you know but but they’ve evolved doesn’t mean they’re a bad coach they’ve just learned things along the way you just got to be on it you know and and I was very lucky so when I said I weren’t playing anymore I I was didn’t know what I wanted to I was thinking I was going to leave golf I didn’t know what I was going to do right I really weren’t sure what would you have done I don’t know M honestly I don’t know what I would have done scary that because we said that all the time so when you so just on that so you you you play you’re playing Euro you’re playing Euro Pro when you come back after your your injury you do what one season on Euro Pro yeah mate honestly I did a few bits I was bouncing around I did a couple of few maybe some other Mina stuff and then some Euro Pro stuff some challenge T stuff yeah couple of invites maybe even main tour but it was so you do that season and at the end of that season you’re like like like I’m not it was after that event at uhen so after that event which was whenever however long it was into the season you guys not doing this anymore yeah what do you do for money until you decide that until you become qualified as a coach what what is that what do you do so I I started coaching uh straight St away I spoke to Zane on the phone I put I remember I put a letter out there I was struggling mentally I was struggling mentally at the time Big Time I was I was always Joshua golfer and how’s the golf go first people if I even now if I go to a wedding now or go to a party I know when I’m going to get there I don’t mind it people are in I like the people interested in me I shouldn’t have a social media if I people weren’t going to ask me questions don’t mind but always go at the time it was tough how’s the golf when I know I don’t want to play anymore yeah and I’ve got to tell them I don’t play anymore that at the time I really struggled with because it was always like I’m great I’m gonna do this I’m gonna blah blah at times I’m not doing that anymore so I was struggling a little bit then with that but then it was Zane called me he I put a thing out on social saying I’m not playing anymore if you go through my socials it’d be down there way down I’m not not doing anyway said what you going to do he was like look mate don’t completely leave it because you’ve been in golf all your life you’ve met so many people there so many Avenues to golf that are just not playing you know you can do other stuff so with Zan when he started coaching me I was it was me and I’m pretty me I think I was first I was zay’s first student when he start first started playing he had Tod Arthur and a few of us but pretty sure I was a first we were rooming and whatever else so we always saw it in the same way and he was like why don’t you come to the academy and we’re Build It Up We’re Partners in it now right 3D Academy and whatever else but he was like why don’t you come on Coach the academy and then that’s how I started so I started learning some bits from him that he’ already learn going through with coaches as well putting out bits together and then Billy Irvine here as well that’s unbelievable he’s like Rayman when it comes to golf of technical stuff he’s unbelievable so good and um through lockdown and stuff like that every single day we had a call just talking through it stuff like that it was my honestly lockdown for me was unbelievable really loved it absolutely loved it all day just to like learn and do something just be on your own time and it was like a reset button it was unbelievable yeah it felt like P your back again and you had another year off why a lazy [ __ ] I come out of lockdown mate like so much of a better Coach it was unbelievable like yeah so good but um yeah and then I went into coaching from there and then yeah I didn’t didn’t look back after that really so on the on the coaching I think um probably the majority of the audience watch us are just I’d say weekend golf with a boys for ball money so I would say three what are your three Universal tips for like weekend golfers we’re not talking people that are like maybe scratch and like playing with just I would just rebuttle that question straight away but I was I was actually going to say to Josh and it ties into that is it’s great having all this information on that now yeah like and obviously like when the information is coming from the PE the likes of yourself and Zan and this and that but like [ __ ] me is the internet full of [ __ ] [ __ ] now on the golf as well I was going to say don’t [ __ ] watch YouTube but and just no we don’t we don’t coach on our Channel I was to say did you see tiger said that recently in one of his videos but that’s I wouldn’t say that what I would say is first thing is there’s great yeah there’s great stuff out there but it’s like I just don’t like the like what wesdr s is like free tips for golfers like you can maybe give them like from a coaching standpoint maybe give them some mental tips or something like that or like preparation tips but trying to give someone swing tips or no not not not swing tips Tell say right get a golf lesson number one yeah that’s a great with a decent like someone like get a lesson right then they can decide I send people YouTube videos that are not me yeah yeah if I haven’t got times to do a video and I know I’ve seen a decent video that is good for them MH personally I could send them it but you’ve already seen that person I’ve seen and I’ve seen it so that is to me as a professional as a professional coach to send that to them yeah whereas with them trying to go you can slice the ball from so many different ways fix your slice yes what slice you know what I mean yeah so it’s very different so I can do that particular to that person that would be number one to do that I would say number two have a bit more golf’s not a game of perfect is what I would say Bob Rella yeah unbelievable mental coach whatever else he’s got a book in an audio book called golf’s not a game of perfect so that’s good for your um expectation management expectation management don’t have as much expectation of what these guys do like golf’s hard tiger in 2000 best year that’s ever played by a golfer said he get one perfect golf shot when he hold a four iron right that that is it the one perfect golf shot the golf is not a game of perfect there’s that and then the last one I would say um have a whole your pocket so you can drop a ball or always use a pencil with a rubber it helps as well always be the one doing the score yeah yeah and then about something like like if structure structure your practice yeah don’t come come don’t come away from a range getting worse yeah structure your practice which is what you said to him exactly what I did in the video no yeah I think tips are like I said don’t expect you to say like yeah no what you need to do is come on the inside it’s just your left wrist if you just like free blogs who are never going to never going to be asked about drawing lines just yeah what would you do yeah get a lesson maybe get fit maybe yeah but even then I would it depends what you’re using but that’s down the line that’s down to the coach again to tell that sort of stuff so yeah book a lesson that’s whaton main one just like go and see like I I get Believe it or [ __ ] not I don’t like my go I don’t think I’ve got a very good go swing but we will get messages on Instagram people asking me to give them yeah tips on you got a good gowing it produces decent shots repeats right times it’s a little bit off and it’s a little bit I don’t think got a terrible golf swing but like when you think about have you seen the stats of people in the world that’ll actually ever break 80 yeah it’s like 2% of people you can break 70 yeah when you think about it in that way you got to have a good golf swing and I would say like for me like I would say like I’ve got some knowledge of watching someone’s golf swing and be able to help but like I still I’m still reluctant still help people you could definitely help people play golf you could coach people in a certain I won’t ever resp I won’t ever respond to them I respond to tr respond to every messages but I’m very much a Believer if I haven’t seen your swing mate i’ help to see you swing of course like people say with my grip like I grip it like that as well like what have you and I’m like mate unless angles of Swing unless they send it in a certain angle perfect but even when people send me videos like that and you see the swing you still need to know what’s in the head I always say what was the strike what was the flight what are you trying to achieve yeah unless they say that and whatever else then I’m I’m not going to give a professional advice so that so we’ve covered Josh the golfer which again that’s that’s like my like I ra yeah and I I didn’t know a lot of that stuff so that’s been like interesting to me now Josh the JK sitting behind the camera over there and for in the golf space JK wood vus and he he actually jokes about it a lot unbeknown to you a lot is everywhere Jake goes Everywhere I Go Everywhere Westy go know everyone [ __ ] knows Joshua white don’t they everyone knows no they [ __ ] do Josh everyone knows Joshua white like is that just because you’ve been in golf for so long or is that again just from a character basis of like cuz even when like from when I met you from the first time the first time I’d ever met you met you I’d said hello at Bearwood at the Peter Jones Foundation but then like we’d spoken you coming over and done which we’ll we can don’t need picking up no no no we just me and Jos played a match somewh one thing I’d say is that I’ve always learned and I’ll go back to it playing from a even playing with as a junior playing with these people at a young age that my dad Gary all the boys at chips did the members I always learn to just you can learn one thing off anyone at least one thing off any single person in the world no matter what is you can learn one person she always give them at least the time a day so I’d like to think that I’ve done that enough with people that I’ve met along the way to think that I’ve left a nice enough mark on yeah a good taste in their mouth yeah yeah but yeah um and then so another thing as well I actually got so on here I put out on Instagram questions for Josh haven’t checked it in the God knows the last how long so these are going to be I’ll read if someone also on that point work very hard on social media and stuff like that so as we all do yes so it’s nice to know that’s working and there’s no there’s no there’s from talking from experience all of us sitting on this couch no there’s little to no luck in social media you create your own luck in that and it’s a lot of work people who aren’t in social media it’s a lot of [ __ ] work that goes into it creating content or post and stuff like that there’s a lot of [ __ ] work that goes into that so hats off to you on on that basis as well because it’s it’s great to be one thing to be a fantastic coach but you can be a fantastic coach and no one knows you’re a fantastic coach so you need to be doing the right stuff for people to know and that’s what you and Zan have done so well with Zs Academy and what lad has done so well as well because i’ I’d say the combined work that the the guys at the club here and you have done here it’s not only put yourself on the map prior to coming to lead it’s also put this club on the map as well and that’s all from good social media work yeah there and working together but let me get some of these questions go on go on um right favorite bag of crisps that was asked from Dean lipford Dean um do you know the pop chips the barbecue ones yeah yeah P they’re decent and knicknacks knicknacks banging what flavor though orangee all right what one you going to go with cuz Dean only depends what if I’m being unhealthy knicknacks but I would mostly nine times out of 10 I would go for the barbecue pop Chris if that’s what they’re called okay um it shipo has asked got any old malet potties you want to sell looking for one to stop me free putting it’s got that long Mallet telescopic pole at the minute you got anything for it shipo oh I don’t sell Putters no no but I hope you find one geese and stop three p can you give him a recommendation of a good melet part you think to try uh I can send him a link for a lesson there we go or is it the description to this podcast if anyone’s interested in it um pace and line Josh Taylor yeah I [ __ ] love you cheers for the head cover heart face heart face mention this please prayer hands top boy no more needs to be said yeah after a lesson come all the way down had like a was like 5 hour drive or something like that but yeah absolute ledge you gave him a head cover I did yeah good LED um Egret 886 says yourself Jimmy Ashley Zayn 18 whole match winner question mark and any chance of a video of it please singles yes it’ be one V One V One V one where does that leaderboard stack up you’re obviously going to B yourself to win it yeah who comes second who comes third it’s tough it’s tough I need to see that match out you’re both great players no you played with them enough yeah You’ played with them enough and be honest as well you know what I think if you’re both on I think Jimmy wins I would as much as it pains me to say it I would from what I’ve seen from Jimmy No in fact [ __ ] that actually if I’m playing my absolute best and Jim’s playing his absolute best I think I’ll beat him but from the times I’ve played with Jim recently he’s in a better space than I am in a minut I respect I completely respect that it’s a tight game think good good game um then you’ve got MAA 139 uh best advice for good contact every time with irons Co when we not low Point control low Point control so that means obviously the Arc of the Swing where it’s at it lowest point make sure you’re hitting the ball Turf and making sure you’re hitting that ground in the same spot every if you can hit the ground in the same spot every time even if you hit if you got the option of hitting balls in a bunker with an iron draw a line or even swinging it trying to hit the line in the same spot every time if you can hit the ground in the same spot every time that’ll give you a consistent low point after the ball yeah 100% or hit punch shots lots of Punt shots and Macker if you want to learn how to do that the link for Josh is in the description below um Alex andford Alex sorry if I’m saying that wrong Alex anderl Lord 93 um and I wanted to touch on this as well he’s put does he have a discount code for JL to share laughing face um the answer is no to that I think yes um but we’ll touch on J send me a message in a sec there you go send him a message um project saw got two more that I’ll do project saw which YouTube golfers my boy you know then project store which YouTube golfers would you put into a live team and what would you call it good question YouTube golfers into a live team and what would the name of that team be how many people are in a live team four four now you and Jimmy M 100% um Jo what other than your two channels I don’t really watch much YouTube golf if I’m being totally honest I couldn’t give you much more of an answer than that what would you name our put the guy you said that’s very good that is it Mt all big he looks pretty talented he seems pretty cool it’ be pretty cool to have him on TV actually hitting some of them wild shots we put him in there and he [ __ ] honestly Josh like played with him on that man event in Scotland played the first day with him yeah and like what’s more impressive because if I said you hit me a [ __ ] a 90 yard hook with driver you’d be able to do it yeah is he’ll do it with a 56 degree wedge yeah yeah move the [ __ ] like 70 yards and it’s as well yeah good don’t get me wrong every thing but yeah yeah brilliant stick him in there and then who else we got no was three no I thought he wasn’t is he not is he not team captain Oh yeah put yourself in there for the fourth if you can’t think of anyone else and what would the team name be uh mowgly Jungle Book um last one um Harvey Addison not a question but Ash but scramble Ash Josh Jimmy and wesy would be outrageous that would be an outrageous it be lovely be a good video um hopefully fingers cross this summer we got a lot coming up um and a lot of time if the weather actually turns to actually film some cool [ __ ] so um I think we have actually got Round Up haven’t we we’re keeping we’re about to close I’ll give give her a little tip but we should I would love I know that was a bit more with me but we should do uh we should definitely do another one of these we talk about yeah some other stuff that you’ve got in the pipeline that we’ve got in the pipeline some content ideas is um but yeah Josh thanks for coming on mate you said in your pissed up State last last week that you would of course man of his in here there we go you’ve also got um lemonade golf club that their M so five and Club 72 CL 72 and and lemonade yeah um big collaboration over at Hadley wood competition last week this is one of the t-shirts show you the graphic on the back as well for everyone wants to see it still for sale Jos and Harry Sellers they’re all gone mate all sold out yeah all gone I’m guess I’m guessing this is the start of some some cool stuff yeah we’re going to do some good co Labs coming up but um yeah if you’re into your golf fashion me and Harry sers and bit of inspo for that yeah lemonade Golf Club cuz that’s what we kind of haven’t touched on at all is like a big part of why a lot of people I think are starting to not starting to know you is that is like you and Harry are big into your Clos I think that’s a completely different discussion for a completely different day should definitely do that and we’ll get Harry on to talk about that but Josh brother boys as always mate absolute pleas love you to bit to see you thank you for coming on um make sure you subscribe to the channel if you haven’t all of Josh’s uh booking links his socials his Instagram is in the description to this video so make sure if you don’t already check this boy out not only a fantastic golfer not only a fantastic coach but he’s actually a half decent [ __ ] human being as well so he’s a good lad to follow see you later everyone take care cheers boys

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    @MrSteveadams69 1 week ago

    Josh … is Oak park now The Oaks Carshalton ?


    @andrewgramson7224 1 week ago

    One of the best interviews I've watched. Great job GS.


    @w2thet589 1 week ago

    Josh White is a legend


    @GLinton1388 1 week ago

    The chemistry between the lads was good. Throughly enjoyed this pod. Keep it up boys 👍


    @michaeldavies4598 1 week ago

    Sound bloke, good pod 👌


    @karlevans5102 1 week ago

    What a legend he is. Shame he didn’t get to be a regular on the pga tour because he’d be a very easy guy to support


    @eddarrd946 1 week ago

    We need that pod about golf fashion for sure – and talk headcovers and bags – ill be there.


    @darrenhardy6955 1 week ago

    GS needs a theme tune to intro…


    @HITMAN-zl7dp 1 week ago

    Great Pod, with great insight to the struggles of a Pro golfer. Josh is such a grounded, proper bloke and we wish him all the very best for the future. As you know I have only recently found the channel and appreciate all your hard work guys. Keep it real and crack on guys.


    @petermeades196 1 week ago

    Love JW top bloke 👏🏻


    @livings4086 1 week ago

    Just lads talking over a pint. Great pod guys


    @joshb6095 1 week ago



    @jackdingwall1903 1 week ago

    Been looking forward to this one! Josh just seems like a proper decent guy and a fantastic golfer! P2 needed I think


    @Haz951 1 week ago

    Josh has to be one on the coolest guys in golf


    @LukeWhite-gg5kr 1 week ago

    Glad we didn’t hear about that club championship story… still pains me to this day 😂😂😂
    JWs Bro 👍


    @benmensforth4849 1 week ago

    Great podcast we need to see more of josh white on youtube


    @MrGrinstead69 1 week ago

    Absolute banging podcast cast boys loved this 🔥⛳🔥


    @joemullin5959 7 days ago

    Great pod as always boys
    And Josh what a gent✊


    @peterluetchford2195 7 days ago

    Quality!!!great lad…shame about the lack of subscribers but you wouldn’t reply if you were snowed under…Rondog V Josh…release the venue and date!!!


    @user-vk5yn9fc6i 7 days ago

    Josh is a brilliant person down to earth very likeable


    @joshtaylor6991 7 days ago



    @dinglips2765 6 days ago

    Josh sounds like a brilliant fella. Great pod cast lads


    @JamesRowland1989 6 days ago

    Amazing watch that, class 🤝🏻🍺


    @tomhodgson5468 5 days ago

    Great pod, lovely guy!
    Just an FYI the discount Code is missing the second P on screen 👍🏼
    Keep it up 😊


    @dylanmoss8034 5 days ago

    What an ep boys


    @willpayne9663 5 days ago

    Another really good video. Massively Insightful! Interesting to listen along

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